I told Changbin the next day, which then resulted in him asking me thousands of questions, none of which I had the energy to answer.

"Bin." I sighed, exhausted as always

Changbin was pacing around my room, most likely burning a circular path in my already worn-down rug. I'd never seen him this anxious before. His confidence always filled the room where ever he went, but that was just part of the deal when it came to dating the "most popular boy in school." God, gag me.

"What are you going to do to treat it? It took them this long to notice, so it can't be deadly. And what about your work? You'll have to cut down on shifts so that you don't pass out again."

I flopped back on my bed, sprawling out in a starfish shape.

"We aren't going to treat it. The cheapest option we have is to get vitamins, but they're not a be-all-end-all, especially for severe cases like mine."

I felt the bed dip and a glance over told me that Changbin was kneeling on the edge of my bed.

"What's the be-all-end-all then?"

I closed my eyes, "There isn't one. Thalassemia doesn't go away. The best they can do is give regularly scheduled blood transfusions."

"Then do that! I'll help pay for them!" He yelled

I shook my head, covering my face with my hands. I shrank into myself. I always deflate when Changbin tries to give me money. I hate the idea of him paying for my anything. I know people at his school found out that he was dating someone from Seoul Consolidated. I've heard the rumors people spread about the mystery person just leeching off of him for money.

"No Changbin, no. I can't let you do that. Even if I did, half of it on a regular basis is still too much for my parents to afford."

I could feel him start moving on the bed, coming closer to me. He ended up hovering over me. He had pulled my hands away so I opened my eyes.

"I don't care if it's expensive, and if what I pitch in isn't enough then my parents will help. They love you, you know that. They'd do anything for you to stick around if it meant their boy stayed straight," he scrunched up his nose," well not straight straight, but you get the point."

I hit his chest slightly and laughed, "Oh shut up you weirdo. This is not the time to make a gay joke."

He laughed as well, grabbing my hands and interlocking our fingers. I let my thumbs brush over his knuckles.

"Okay, okay, but I'm serious. Let me do something for you. I can't just let you go untreated now that we know what's wrong."


He squeezed my hands, "Felix, please. Just, please. Let me do this."

I stared at his face, my eyes flicking across his features. There was so much worry, so much pain, etched into his skin. He looked like he aged twenty years in the span of a few hours. I don't want that. I don't want my disease to affect him like this. I want to see his smile again. The one he gives me when he laughs so hard he stomps and his voice seems to increase three octaves.

I let out a breath of air, "Fine, yes, okay. I'll let you do something."

I could see the wheels turning in his head as he perked up. I let one finger escape from its lock and pointed at him.

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