Where To Go

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Hello fellow readers! I know I haven't updated this story in while so that's what I'm going to do. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters they all belong to John Greenie.
I tell Kaitlyn everything about what happened at my visit to Isaac's. She's left with a puzzled look plastered on her face.

She starts. "So... this Monica girl was an asshole, but now she's not?"

"Basically. I mean, she stole my boyfriend, sort of. Actually I don't know what we were. All I know is that I thought she just wanted to get me jealous, but it turns out that she actually just, I think, loves him. Well from what I heard she seems pretty sweet to him. Even though it was about me." I suck in a deep breath.

"Oh, darling." Kaitlyn gives me a reassuring hug.

"I just don't know how to feel about this." I complain.

"Well everyone deserves a second chance, right? Even assholes."

I give a small chuckle. "Okay. Whatever."

There was a small knock on the door and we freeze.

"Hide." Kaitlyn whispers urgently.

I quickly choose to hide under her bed. When I slip under I hear Kaitlyn say. "Come in, Mother."

Her mom's voice fills the room. "Is there something you need to tell me? I heard voices inside."

"Mom, no, there is nothing you need to know here. And stop listening at my door! I talk to myself sometimes."

"In a different voice? I don't think so." I hear her footsteps wonder around the room. Crap. All of a sudden the air starts feeling thin. Then I noticed that I forgot to bring Philip under the bed with me. I disconnected myself in attempt to hide. Double crap. My breaths were becoming heavier and louder. I wondered if she hears me. My lungs are screaming at this point. I can't suffocate myself right now. And Kaitlyn's thick blankets were not helping my breathing.

I roll from under the bed, my heart beating fast and my breaths, shallow. I hear Kaitlyn and her mom's gasps of surprises. But my mind is just thinking Philip, Philip. My hands wrap around the cords. I can't breathe my lungs are burning, about to explode. I stuff the tubes in my nose and take a deep breath for a couple seconds.

Once I could breath normally again Kaitlyn blurts.
"We were playing hide and seek."

Her mom's eyes feel like they're analyzing every movement. "I see. Kaitlyn, you do know that she ran away from home and her parents asked if I can check Hazel was here. It turns out they were right."

All I can do is stare, my mouth open, trying to find the words to explain.

"Now I want you to pack up all your stuff and come with me in the car. I'll drive you back home." Her voice was strangely calm.

For a few seconds there was silence then Kaitlyn suggested. "I'll drive her!"

But as fast as she said it her mom said with finality. "No. Once Hazel is dropped off you and I will have a little talk." She motions for me to come with her and I follow. I look over my shoulder to Kaitlyn, with her mouth open and a worried look in her eyes. I mouth I'm sorry to her and she just shrugs.

The wait in the car seemed like an eternity. Kaitlyn's mom was still getting out of the house and I had to wait. Then an idea popped in my head. I looked to make sure I had Philip this time. I quietly opened the car door and bolted to the nearest place where I can hide. A simple backyard fence would do.

I could barely hear Kaitlyn's mom's voice over my loud breathing. Why did she think I'd stay put? Obviously, I haven't been behaving myself. So why start now?

The sun is setting and I have to find shelter. You could say I handled the situation, but to be honest I picked the worst place to go: home. What am I supposed to do? I can't just plop myself under a bridge and beg for money.

I unlock the backyard door and grab the sleeping bag from the shed. I guess I can make myself comfortable. I decide to make my bed near the air conditioner in the backyard.

I'm assuming my spot was hidden because no one found me. The night had sprinkles of diamonds cast into the dark purple sky. The crickets made calming sounds as I pulled the sleeping bag closer up my chin. It wasn't exactly the warmest night. But with that I fell into a fitful sleep.
Okie! That's the chapter. And I'm sad to say that there will be only two more chapters left of the story. I know it's not long at all but that's the way I wrote it, I guess. I love you all!

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