Blood and Fire.

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I drink my coffee slowly, I was still exhausted from the previous night.

I felt like I had cried a whole ocean or two, my head hurt, my eyes felt heavy, and I was quite dizzy.

"good morning", Alberto says groggily stumbling into the kitchen.

He too looked like he had been through alot, his undereyes were baggy, and the veins in his arms were popping out, which meant he too had a headache.

"morning Alberto, morning luka", Cameron says sipping a sip of coffee.

We both nod.

"Crazy how life changes.", Luke says appearing from behind the corner.

"Damn right...", Alberto says.

I turn to look at him. He's just staring directly at the door.

"al...whats on your mind?", I say quietly.

"im going outside..", he says sitting his unfinished cup of coffee on the table.

"Your kidding?", says Luke.

"Alberto, your insane!", Cameron chimes.

"Alberto your not going anywhere.", Massimo says standing firmly in front of the door.

Alberto groans. "At least let me try!"

"Your going to get yourself hurt!", Massimo exclaims. "None of the people down there care!"

"Then at least I'll know.", Alberto replies stepping towards him.

Massimo doesn't budge.

"I forbit it."

"fine then.", Alberto sighs.

He then turns around and walks upstairs.

Luke sighs aswell. "give him time, im sure he'll come around."

I sit down and fidget with my fingers.

whats going on?

"HE'S GONE!", Cameron shouts.

I look up to see Luke, and Massimo running upstairs.

I too run to see everyone in his room.

He's not here, and his windows wide open.

"Goddamit!", I bang my fist on the wall.


I walked along the sidewalk kicking every pebble I saw.

"Alberto?", a voice says from behind me.

I whip around to see Guido. (Ercole's old friend)

"eh, hello?", I say quietly.

"What are you doing out here?!", he says ushering me into an alleyway.

"im not afraid of these people..",I say walking to other direction.

"Alberto, you have no idea-"

"im gonna try... I dont wanna live a life trapped",  I say interrupting.

He sighs. "Please be careful."

I nod before returning back out into the open.

I see a few faces turn to look at me.

Some raise there brows, and some whisper, the other looking alarmed and..... surprised ? Or maybe....scared?

"There!", a voice yells.

Luca and Alberto: On the RunOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant