"I see that," M&M bit the top of her pencil, "Anyway, I wrote down some ideas to get No-Neck Natalie out of your boyfriend's pants."

            "He's not my boyfriend," Yet.

            M&M rolled her eyes, "Number 1, ask him on a date."

            "No," I bit my lip.

            "Why not?"

            "When I hear that word, it's like I don't know how to act."

            "What do you mean?" M&M asked slowly.

            I remembered the date with Mike Plum, "If I think I'm on a date, I act like a weirdo. Remember that day with Mike Plum. He still won't talk to me today."

            She shuddered, "Yea, I still don't think he recovered."

            Mike Plum took me bowling last year and everything seemed to be going great until he snuck up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. That wasn't the problem. I liked the way he touched me but the fact that he said, "This has been a great date, Tedi." And I accidently slammed my ten pound bowling ball into his crotch..... Twice. Ambulance came and everything. I still feel bad about it.

            M&M crossed the date part off the list, "Oh, this one is nice. Invite him to the annual Spring Bonfire Bash."

            "Oh, yea, next week is Spring Break isn't it?" I grinned. Beaches. Hot guys. Partying. Things I won't be doing on Spring Break. I'd probably have to go to my step-dad's house for a week. Gosh, someone shot me already.

            "I like that idea," I muttered, "I need to get away from my folks."

            M&M circled it and smiled, "Now, you just need to lose ten pounds to look somewhat appealing in a swimsuit."

            I laughed, knowing that she was joking but she didn't join me. Whoa, wait. she's joking right? 


An hour after M&M left, Maggie ran into the room with a circle paper with a big yellow smiley face on it. She placed on my lap with a goofy smile of her face and left. Oooookay. I pulled out some gloves from under my bed and slipped them on before touching the smiley face. Who knows where Maggie might have been with it? I flipped it over and read it:

Dear Tedi,

I wanted to speak to you one-on-one in my office later on today. If you have the time. And remember smiles are forever.

            From, Miss Heather

            God, this chick was annoying. I slipped on a sweater and headed toward her office, which was at the big admission building. I walked into the foyer only to be stopped by the stupid door watcher, No-Neck Natalie. This bitch pisses me off.

            "The office is closed at nine, Tedi." She snapped from behind the desk. Her short strawberry blond hair rested just below her neck, or what was supposed to be her neck. She had tiny brown eyes and a mouth too big for her face. I bet she got bullied a lot when she was younger.

            "I'm going to talk to Miss Heather, Natalie."

            She perched her lips, "Do you have a pass?"

            "This isn't a public school, dude. It's only going to be a few minutes anyway." I glanced at the clock above her head, "What the hell? It's only 8:50," That bitch.

            She looked at the clock and turned to me warily, "It's ten minutes behind,"


            "You still can't see her anyway. She already left for the day. You know you can leave her a note or something and I promise to hand it to her....."


            I yawned, "Please keep talking. I always yawn when I'm interested." I said sarcastically.

Her eyes narrowed at me, "Is this your way of getting back at me because of Jack? Don't think you're all high and mighty because I have a date with Jack tomorrow. We're going on a cruise."

I raised an eyebrow, "I hope that cruise ship sinks just like the Titanic,"

She smirked, "It's going to be so romantic if that happens,"

"Oh, no it won't. When I get the newspaper the next day, it'll say, 'Guy shoves girl off raft to save himself,'" I chuckled. That would be hilarious.

Her face redden just as Miss Heather sauntered out of her office, carrying papers, "Tedi, you came! Well, come on in. Oh, Natalie, are you okay? You dip your head in some cold water to reduce the redness,"

"I hope you drown in that water," I muttered, glaring at her.

"I promise you, you'll be going down with me," She growled. She's pretty vicious for a tiny person.

I walked into Miss Heather office and saw the unicorn. It really was there! I looked around the room. Oh God, I think she added more rainbows and glitter. I took a seat on a wobbly pink beanie bag and faced Miss Heather. She had that smile on her face. For Gosh's sake, does this woman ever get tired of that smile?

"So..." I bit my bottom lip.

She just stared at me as if I was going to say something. Hey, she was the one who brought me here. Shouldn't she be the one starting the conversation? An awkward silence filled in the room and I shifted in my beanie bag chair. She poked a lifesaver in her mouth and gave me one. How ironic would it be to choke on a lifesaver? And I would probably be the one to choke one it so, I let it melt in my hand.

"What are you doing for Spring Break?" She asked.

"Ugh, I probably have to go to my step-dad's house. Um, is it possible to stay on campus for Spring Break?"

She shook her head, "Nope. Two years ago, we let some students stay at campus and they wrecked the place. Why don't you want to go stay with your step-dad?"

"It's just weird. I don't like him," I said. Yea, big surprise there. I don't like my step-dad. He's like Miss Heather but gayer (gay as in happyJ). No, I'm kidding. He's really is gay. And my mom still wanted to be with him. Yes, I know. I have a weird family.

She tapped her chin, thinking, "You know what, why don't you come and stay with me? You'll get tutored, have some free time and you don't have to worry about your step-father."

That sounded like a good idea. The 'free time' part not the tutoring. And also the whole staying with Miss Uber Happy Freak would make me go crazy. If her office looks like this, what does her house look like?

"You know what, why not?" I said and Miss Heather clapped with excitement. She pulled me into a tight suffocating hug.

I think I might regret this.




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