Excitement (Evansson)

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Requested by jkss_xo 

Scarlett's POV 

"Okay, just breathe Scarlett. Breathe." 

For the past ten minutes, I've been walking back and forth in front of my bathroom to check if I'm pregnant or not. 

Me and Chris have been trying for a while now and I've taken so many tests that I've lost count. If I'm not pregnant, I will be so devastated. I've always wanted my own child. Having children is something that I've dreamed about for as long as I can remember. 

I'm so nervous right now. What if I'm not pregnant? What if I never get pregnant? What if Chris leaves me because of it? 

Woah there! Calm down, Scarlett. Chris loves you. He would never leave, especially since he wants a child as much as I do. Okay, let's check the test before I blow my head off. I slowly but surely walk to the bathroom and get over to the counter. To prepare myself, I counted from one to three. I look down and..............................I'm pregnant. 

I'm pregnant. 

I'm pregnant. 

I'm pregnant. 

I'm pregnant. 

Holy shit! I'm pregnant! I'm finally pregnant! Me and Chris have kind of been losing hope because me getting pregnant was taking a while. We knew it wasn't going to be quick but it felt like it was taking so long for me to get pregnant and now, it's finally happening. I can't tell Chris yet though. I don't want to distract him because he is currently working on something and I know this is something that is going to be on his mind all day so I'm gonna wait until he gets home. 

I decided to call Elizabeth because I know that she would be so excited for me. I press her name on my phone and wait for her to pick up. After a moment, she answers. 

"Hey Scarlett! What's up?" I silently take a deep breath before I answer. "I have something that I need to tell you and you can't tell anyone else. Can you come over?," I say with so much excitement in my voice. 

"Okaaaaaay. I'll be over in a few minutes," she says with so much confusion. "See you then." I hang up and just wait for Lizzie to come over. After about five minutes, I heard a knock at my door. I quickly ran over to it and opened the door. It was a matter of fact, Lizzie Olsen. 

"It sounded like you were excited about whatever you're about to tell me." She comes in and I quickly close the door. "That's because I am excited. I wanted to tell you first before I tell anyone else." She waits until I start talking again. 

"I'm pregnant." Before I know it, I hear a really high pitched scream which makes me cover my ears. "Oh my God! This is amazing news!! I know that you and Chris have wanted this for a while. Have you told him yet?!" 

"No, you're the first and only person that knows. I want to tell him when he comes back from work." Lizzie slowly nods, understanding what I'm saying. "Got it." 

Then, she gasps. 

"We have to go shopping for the perfect way to tell Chris! I have the perfect idea." Before I could even say anything, she took my hand and went to her car to buy a surprise for Chris. This is going to be interesting. 

*Two hours later* 

"Lizzie, we didn't need to take this long to buy one gift. It's not a birthday gift." 

"I know but I still want it to be special for both of you. Besides, you don't want to give him a bad gift with this kind of news. It needs to be memorable." 

"It feels like you're more excited about me being pregnant than I am," I joke which makes her laugh a little. "I probably am. Anyway, I gotta get going. I have some errands to run. I hope everything goes well with Chris." 

Me and Lizzie give each other a hug. "Me too." We say goodbye to each other and Lizzie walks out the front door. 

Ten minutes later, I hear the front door open which probably indicates that Chris is home.  I walk over to which Chris and when he looks at me, it gives him a smile on his face. "Hey! How was your day?" I ask him as I give him a small kiss on his cheek. "Exhausting. I feel like my bones are about to break at any second. How about you?" 

"Well, I have a surprise for you." I walk over to the gift that me and Lizzie bought earlier that is now in a colorful box and walk back over to him. "What is it?" He asks really intrigued on why I would get him something, knowing that no special occasion was coming up. 

"Open it and find out." After a moment of looking between me and the gift, he starts to slowly open it. He finishes opening it and he looks confused at first but then his eyes immediately brighten. Since Father's Day was coming up, me and Lizzie decided to get him a Father's Day card. She wanted to find the perfect one, even if it took us two hours to get it. 

"Y-you're pregnant?" I nod my head and before I knew it he picks me up and spins me around. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! You're pregnant! Which means that we're gonna be parents!" He puts me down and gives me a kiss on the lips. 

"We're finally gonna be parents Chris. It's actually happening." We kiss each other again and he goes down on his knees, facing my stomach. 

"Hey little one. It's me, your dad. I can't wait to meet you once you come into this world." He then kisses my stomach and gets back on his feet. I can't wait for our baby to be born. Whether it's a boy or a girl, we'll still be excited either way.

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