But no one leaves the house. So she drives the car as far away from that place as possible. Her hands are shaking on the steering wheel. The shock of finding out such a great truth is too massive and she doesn't know if she can take it. She had suspected for several days that her mother had hidden something big for her. But this? Florence her biological mother? All these years she thought she was her older sister! But how could she not suspect? She doesn't look like Florence or Olivia. Olivia is a bit old to be her mother. Of course, there are cases of mothers who give birth to children at 40+ years old, but still... She will never be able to forgive them. What they did is too serious. Surely her grandfather turned in his grave when Olivia did what she did.

She stops the car in front of Amelie's house. Only in her house does Evie have hope. She is her only remaining family member she can trust. Now that she's found out the truth... Amelie is actually her primary cousin to her mother. Does that mean Amelie is actually her aunt? It's crazy! But it does not matter. The two of them will always be together and nothing can stop that.

Evie thinks about all this, while walking to her cousin's yard. She reaches the door and presses the doorbell.

Not long after, the door opens and Amelie looks at her confused:

"Evie? You are ok? I didn't know you were coming."

"Amelie... I found out everything that has been hidden from me so far..." Evie says in a trembling voice and tries to keep talking, but bursts into tears.

"Evie?" Amelie asks and takes her in her arms. "Girl? What happened? Oh... Come on in."

The two enter the house and go to the living room. She sits down on the couch and Amelie looks worriedly at Evie who keeps crying.

"What is it, Evie? What happened?"

And Evie told her everything. Absolutely every detail of her discovery. She can barely control her crying.

"Oh, God!?" Amelie cries and her face falls. "God, Ev... I also suspected that maybe you were adopted or your mother had an affair, but that? This is crazy!"

"That's what I said too," Evie sighs.

"I hope you never set a foot in that house again. Those witches are really crazy."

"I don't want to see them anymore... I don't want to see that house anymore..."

Amelie sighs and shows Evie a sympathetic look. She pulls her into a warm hug, Evie smiles faintly.

The doorbell rings. Amelie winces, because she knows who it is and looks at Evie in panic, thinking that this will upset her even more.

"Aren't you going to the door?" Evie asks.

"I'm going now..." Amelie smiles weakly, gets up from the couch and walks to the front door.

Some super familiar voices are heard, Evie startles and immediately Amelie come back but not alone. Tommy and Nikki come with her. Amelie looks uncomfortably at Evie, showing her an regretful look.

Tommy and Nikki are amazed, not expecting to see Evie there and more precisely to see her in such a miserable state. Evie's eyes are swollen and red from how much she cried.

"Evie?" Nikki asks and takes a step towards her. "What are you doing here? What happened?"

"I..." Evie is overwhelmed by this whole situation, not suspecting that she will meet Nikki here.

"I think it would be better for Tommy and I leave you alone to talk," says Amelie and takes Tommy's hand and motions for him to go out.

Tommy and Amelie get out, leaving Evie and Nikki alone.

He goes to her, sits on the couch and asks her:

"What happened? You look like you were crying."

"Because I really cried," Evie sighs and trembles immediately because she feels her hand being touched.

"Tell me what happened," Nikki says, looking at her with his wonderful eyes.

His gentle gaze makes Evie smile so calmly and tells him everything. She tells him everything she found out. Her mother's dark secret. Which is actually her grandmother. Her sister who hasn't said anything to her all these years. Which is actually her mother.

"I can't believe it," Nikki has a really shocked face. "Evie... I'm so sorry... I knew something was wrong with your mother from the first moment I saw her. But I never thought she would be able to do that!"

"I don't want to hear about their existence anymore," Evie says in a weak voice. "They did enough for me. I can take care of myself now."

"You won't go there anymore, will you?" Nikki's eyes gleam, eagerly awaiting her answer.

"I have to go back and get my things," Evie sighs.

"But then you won't go there anymore, will you?"

"No... I don't want to see them anymore!" Evie speaks loudly.

"Then... What would you say if you came to stay at my house?"

"At your house?" Evie jumps out of her seat, staring at Nikki.

"Yes," he grins. "Why not? At home with me, you will have peace and... love," he says, and raises a hand to her face that turns red.

"I... I don't know what to say..." Evie is blocked by such a proposal.

"You just say yes," he arches an eyebrow and approaches her, giving her a strand of hair to one side of her face. "Please, Ev... I know you want that too. Come and stay with me. It will be wonderful."

And Evie really thinks how wonderful it would be to leave that Hell, where she lives and go with Nikki. Would it be like a fairy tale? Probable. But she's not sure about a few things. And she has to introduce them to Nikki now.

So the brunette takes a serious look and says:

"I know it may sound ignorant, but I have some conditions..."

"Anything for you..." Nikki says continuing to get lost in her brown eyes.

"No alcohol and drugs... Both inside and outside the house... Look... I don't want to sound annoying... but these aren't good... You know... I'm really thinking about you, I'm worried about you and-"

Evie couldn't finish what she had to say as Nikki presses his lips to hers, his hand coming down to her chin, pulling her closer to him. She can't resist at all and taste the sweetness of his mouth.

The kiss intensifies a little and lasts another minute, until the two break it, taking a breath.

"As I said... Anything for you," Nikki smiles at Evie.

Totally red in the cheeks, Evie smiles shyly but the smile will disappear when she hears what Nikki has to say now:

"I love you, Evie," he smiles softly, and he plays with a strand of her dark hair, his eyes rising to her gaze. "I'm crazy about you, girl. How I was not after anyone."

"I love you too, Nikki," Evie gives him a sincere smile. "I've never loved anyone the way I love you."

He grins and approaches her, pulling her back in a fiery kiss.


I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, my dears. I have a question. Do you think Nikki will keep his promise to Evie?

You make my world wild- A Nikki Sixx FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin