and all at once

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I was laying on my back. Staring at the celling fan above me. I asked Minnie if I could get a dorm to my self. I did in fact get a dorm by myself, but at the other end of the school. There was a teacher dorm that nobody used. The days have flown by. Everything happened in October. It's November now which yeah may not be a lot but it sure as hell feels like it.

I got up groaning I didn't sleep the right way last night now my back is aching. It was a Saturday so we didn't have classes but I decided to go to breakfast. I came in through the doors sitting down where I usually sit which was all the way at the end. There is a group of 5th years sitting down there, I'm not going to complain they're actually pretty funny. The breakfast appeared I grabbed a waffle.

" so hayden any plans?" One of the 5th year students said his name was Lucas, I only know his name. None of the others told me.

" uh no probably not. Just gonna read and listen to some music probably." I replied eating the waffle.

" well hufflepuff is having a party tonight we're gonna go and you're welcome to come with." I really haven't done anything lately so maybe this could be good for me?

" yeah sure. I'll come with." I nodded shoving the last piece of waffle down.

" great I'll tell amos after we're done" I practically almost chocked. " amos diggory?" I asked. He nodded leaving me star struck. Fuck that's tough. I feel so bad.


I was walking on my way back to my dorm after I left the library. Lucas ran up to me.

" hi so I just wanted to let you know to go in you know that closet right beside the raven law dorms"

" yeah"

" well go in there. You turn to your right and theres a wall of broomsticks, just pull one of them down and it will open the door to the common room" he informed.

" by the way why aren't you going towards the Gryffindor dormitory's?" A wave of realization washed over his face.

" oh yeah the whole time travel thing" I nodded and he bid me goodbye walked the opposite way. When I got to my dorm I immediately went to my dressers picking out a band shirt and a pair of pants to put on. I walked over to my vanity where my makeup was. I put face primer on first finishing the makeup with a bit of chapstick. Around this time of the year my lips get dry.

I looked at the time 9:36 damn. I left the dorm locking it behind me. I walked all the way to the raven claw dorms going into the closet right beside it just like Lucas said. I pulled the broom down and a door opened leading to stairs. I went down then into the hufflepuff common room. There was a crowd of people. Music blasting. Their common room is actually quite big.

I looked over the room looking for the table that the food was it. Haven't ate since breakfast . I spotted it in the left corner walking over to the table. I scanned it. There was a load of sweets sitting beside chips and different drinks. The other half of the table was alcohol, and not just fire whiskey. I grabbed the bottle that said " rum with magic" someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around

" hey! So you came?" Lucas smiled holding a solo cup in his hand. I nodded.

" so where are your friends?" I asked him and he left signaling to follow him, he led me over to one of the many couches.

" so Hayden, this is May, and beside her is regulus black".

I nearly spit out the alcohol. Sirius's brother. Aka the one who died trying to destroy a horcruxe.

" hi nice to meet you I'm hayden." I stuck my hand out and Maywas the first to shake it. Regulus took my hand and put it down. Lucas patted a spot for me to sit down beside him. I took another sip of the alcohol and another sip and another sip

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