Chapter Four - Start of Year Feast

Start from the beginning

"I think we're the normal friends." Draco whispered, replying to something Pansy had said. I soon realized that they were comparing themselves to Nika.

"You're the normal friends." I confirmed.

"As to our second new appointment," Dumbledore continued as everyone had settled again, "well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs. However, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to take on this teaching job in addition to his game keeping duties."

An applause burst through the hall, the Gryffindor table creating the majority of the noise. I myself was quite pleased with the change of teachers. Hagrid was one of the only adults in the school that didn't have something against me, but let's hope he was better at being a teacher than keeping secrets. The memory of him almost getting Potter killed in first year by telling him a little too much was enough to prove that secrets weren't his strong point.

"I can't believe that oaf is going to teach us." Draco sneered, leaning his head on his hand. No one replied.

"Well, I think that's everything of importance," said Dumbledore. "Let the feast begin!" The hall broke into a chatter as everyone continued eating.

Looking in front of me, I watched Pansy and Blaise begin to argue, Draco sitting with a smile in the middle. I wasn't watching them long before my gaze moved up the table, watching Theo and the new student. Why hadn't Dumbledore announced him?

Theo was conversing with someone opposite them, leaving the mysterious boy smiling softly, a fork held in his hand as he listened to them. His gaze soon left the conversation and his eyes quickly met mine.

Brown eyes met grey as we both continued to stare. I didn't look away as his gaze became stern, almost challenging. I matched it perfectly. Who are you?

"Stop staring at the mysteriously handsome boy," Pansy warned, breaking our stare. I quickly turned to look at her.

"I wasn't staring." I defended and she looked at me blankly.

"Yeah. I believe you." Her tone came out sarcastic.

I looked back to the boy, my eyes meeting the side of his head instead this time. He had dived back into the conversation, his lips moving quickly as he spoke. Who are you?


"Move." Pansy spoke sternly, standing in front of a group of first years that had gathered themselves around one of the couches in the Slytherin Common Room. This just so happened to be, as Pansy would say, our couch.

"I'm sorry?" one of the first years asked, rising from his position. I sighed.

"This is our sofa mate. Get off it." Blaise added, moving beside Pansy. The first year scoffed, looking back to his group before turning back to us, a smug expression on his face.

"Your name isn't written on it." He muttered.

"Time to let Ms. Black shine for a little bit Lyra." Draco whispered to me, bowing his head slightly. I nodded.

"Alright guys," I started, moving passed Pansy to stand at the head of our group. The first year tilted his head to look at me, "Do you know who I am?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Should I?" he asked. The chatter of students around us stopped, everyone's attention now on our current conversation.

Laughing shortly, I answered, "my name is Lyra Black." The first-year suck in a breath, "and if you don't know it, you should learn it."

"Why do you think that the rest of the House sits anywhere but this couch?" I asked, not earning an answer, "This is our seat. Our area, and you should really find somewhere else, because we both know you don't want to piss me off." Leaning down to look at the first year, I saw his eyes widen as he gulped loudly.

It only took seconds for him and his friends to grab their stuff and scurry away. Pansy and Blaise settled on the couch, snuggling into the green material.

"Damn, your sexy when you're mean Black," Pansy groaned, closing her eyes firmly.

"Only a couple hours in and you're already using the Black card." Draco pointed out, moving passed me.

"That, and Draco telling his father everything are the only way anything gets done around here." I muttered, following.

The students around us began to move again once we had sat down, taking our usual spots. 'Using the Black card' as Draco called it had become a common thing in Hogwarts. From first year, I was ordering around the entire school. My reputation preceded me, whether I had one or not. A thirteen year old ordering around a seventeen year old seemed odd when you thought about it, but when you were in the world of being a Black, it didn't matter what age you were, Blacks would always be Blacks.

As I settled into the back of the sofa, my head falling backwards against the seat, I thought of the many ways this year could go. Already, there were so many factors that could come together to build up to something. Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban. I was back to being a Black and there was a mysterious new student that seemed to know Theo. To top it all off, I would have to deal with Moony's transformations for the entire year. Then there was Potter just being Potter.

Pansy, Draco and Blaise had settled onto our seat, but Theo was still MIA since the train. Who was the new student that I knew nothing about, and why did he know my best friend so well? 

Fighting Fate // Mattheo Riddle ♣️Where stories live. Discover now