~•~Chapter Thirteen~•~

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(1st December)

~time skip to starting the vlog~

~•Y/N POV•~

I walked downstairs, to see a whole bunch of Christmas decorations. I walked into the lounge as the boys were setting up the cameras, untangling lights and all laughing and singing Christmas songs.

“Wow, I’m guessing the vlog is decorating for Christmas?” I said, getting their attention.

“Yeah! I’m also going to do a face reveal at the start so we can make more vlogs where I don’t have to worry about my face being exposed!” Dream exclaimed happily. I smiled, giving him a small hug,

“I’m glad you want to!” I replied.

“You guys ready?” Dream questioned. We replied with a variety of yeps and yeahs, as he put on his smiley mask and started filming.

“Hello everyone! We all yelled.

“Welcome to our first vlog! Today we’re going to be decorating our house for Christmas, making cookies and overall just having a good time!” Dream said excitedly to the camera. I walked off screen to flip off the lights, as Dream quickly took his mask off, and signalled for me to turn the lights back on,

“Sorry guys! The lights must’ve faulted a bit there” he chuckled, winking at the camera.

We got into the vlog, by setting up our Christmas tree, decorating the branches with with white, silver and gold baubles, topped with a gold star.

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We got onto making some Christmas cookies, finding some festive cookie cutters in the cupboards.

Whilst the others were looking for the ingredients, I went off to the side, filming with my phone, to get us all some hot cocoa. I poured some cocoa powder into 4 cups, and putting a jug of milk in the microwave.

“Hiya guys! I’m making some hot cocoa! Well, I’m also kinda hoping THEY DON’T SET ANYTHING ON FIRE” I said, raising my voice so they could hear me say that, receiving a response for the three of them,

“WE AREN’T!” Which caused me to giggle.

I poured the milk into the cocoa powder, stirring it until it was frothy.

“DO YOU GUYS WANT SQUIRTY CREAM ON YOURS?” I shouted to them, to which they all said yes. I grabbed a box of candy canes, crushing one up and sprinkling it on the squirty cream, and then sticking an extra one, and a lotus biscuit in each.

I grabbed a teaspoon out of the drawer, and got a spoonful of cocoa.

“This smells so nice!” I exclaimed, eating the spoonful. I started spluttering and coughing, which caused the boys to run in with their cameras.

“WHAT- THE… FUCK!” I spluttered out through coughs.

“Did you eat a spoonful of bloody cocoa powder, Y/N?!” Dream wheezed, as I nodded, receiving a glass of water from Sapnap, and drank some of it.

“For Pete’s sake! I thought cocoa was meant to be nice! Not out trying to kill me!” I exclaimed, still coughing every now and again.

“Well take a hot cocoa and let’s go make the cookies!” I said.

The boys all turned to face them, their jaws dropping.

“I thought you meant a regular hot cocoa! This is awesome!” Sapnap yelled happily, as George and Dream agreed.

“When the hell did you learn how to actually make something nice?” George questioned in a mocking tone.

“Oh so were mine and Dream’s pancakes not better than yours and Sapnap’s burnt piles of shit?” I said, pulling up the photo I got of the mess the two of them had made earlier, trying to make pancakes, and showing it to the camera.

We walked back to the dining room, with our hot cocoas in hand, going to make the cookies.

We put together the mix to make a batch of 20 cookies. I separated the mix into four equal sections, and rolled them out so we could all choose what cookie cutters we would want to use.

~•Dream POV•~

We all started imprinting out first shape into the batches, and then rolling the rest of it back up. Overall we made 24 cookies so I think we bested the recipe. We quickly put them into the oven, and started waiting for the timer to end. I looked to my left, to see the bag of flour, getting an idea. I put my hand in a small pile of flour, and walked up to Y/N.

“Hey Y/N! Can I have a hug?” I asked, hiding the smirk that was appearing on my face.

“Yeah, of course!” She replied happily, walking towards me. She must’ve noticed the flour on my hands as I stretched them out towards her, and pulled her into a hug.

“Dream!” She yelled whilst giggling, “whyyyy!” She finished, trying to escape the hug, to which I let her go as she turned around to show the camera the white handprint on her back. She sniggered, as she turned to face me, a sly grin making its way onto her face.

“Two can play at that game!” She exclaimed, running towards me and drawing a smile out of flour on my hoodie.

“Y/N! Seriously?” I said, wheezing at her stupidity. We both turned to see George and Sapnap filming the two of us, laughing away.

Dream grabbed the main camera, and pulled us all towards it.

“Well this is where we will be leaving the vlog at! Thank you all for watching! And the cookies will be posted on Twitter!” Dream started.

“Byeeee! We all shouted to the camera, waving at it as Dream ended the recording.

Hiyaa! Hope you’re doing well! Make sure to grab a drink and a snack, sit back and relax! Hope you are having a great day/ evening! Cyaaa!

•~•~My idiot~•~• Dream x readerWhere stories live. Discover now