Timely Encounter and a Reunion?

Start from the beginning

She was surprised that he was even able to do all of that as she is more inclined to believe that as he was not lying as the look he gave her that he was dead serious.

Surtr: "What are you?"

William: "I am just me, the laziest person you will ever meet."

His smile annoyed her but she accepted that she ain't getting any more of a detailed response than that.

Surtr: "Okay thanks for answering me though why did you even bother answering."

William: "Because like you said you would have asked again for an explanation and that would have been a massive headache. Also, I feel like if we are supposed to be companions it would be a good idea for us to talk something special about us to deepen each other bond."

Nothing was said after those words for a couple of minutes as William went back to playing his bone. Though he stops playing after a while and looks at a certain part of the forest before summoning a popsicle and starting to slowly eat it then Surtr looked at the sweet treat.

William: "Do you want this as well?"

Surtr: "Yes."

William in his mind: "This girl really is straightforward. I like it."

He hands her some ice cream and she slowly enjoys it. Though William was bugged out by a weird thing and that is her sword as something is off about it.

William in his mind: "That sword feels really weird and dangerous. Should I ask her about her sword as clearly something is weird with it? ... Okay yeah I should as this is a good way to increase trust with her as she is really quiet about most things."

William took some deep breaths before opening his mouth.

William: "Uh, Surtr I have a question?"

Surtr: "Yeah, what is it?"

William: "Can you tell me about that sword you have as I can tell something is off with it."

Surtr stop eating the ice cream and looked at William with a serious face as he realized that again that he maybe should have not asked for that. He felt that he needs to end this conversation quickly.

William embarrassed: "It's okay if you don't want to tell me."

She went back to eating her ice cream as William felt like he mess up though after she finish eating her ice cream, she looked at William with a serious face.

Surtr: "My sword is something important to me, My Dad handed it to me before the accident, and... never mind that is all you are getting with your question."

As William's eyes widen as he succeeds on his mission to improve his relationship with her even if it was only a little bit. He smiled a little before going back to finish his popsicle as Surtr open her hand as she look at him with a look that screams give me more popsicles. He had the sudden feeling that she will ask for it many more times in the future.

William: "Really, you want more?"

She nodded as he smile and summon more for her. 

William: "Okay though I want us to have a fight at least one time as I am interested in how you fight."

Surtr: "Sure."

Nothing else was said after that and they start to pack up and start their journey to leave the area.

William Pov

Clearly, someone is watching us and I need to take them out soon so maybe when it is nighttime or when I have the chance to get Surtr away. Though until then it is time to talk about the Mainframe. I have not even tried to consider the fact that in theory, I should be able to give power to people or things as I remember that 404 did to KM but that was with a pool of Mainframe Code though it seems like it does not even truly exist though I can still feel it's connected to me. Hell, I wonder if I could make a scythe out of magic considering that 404 did it before. Still, I should be focusing on surviving and finding a place to settle down before doing anything too crazy like making new moves. Though I do want to get a custom blade as I am really interested in getting one or even a scythe, hell maybe try to enhance with the mainframe power unless it breaks. Eh, either way, it's time to walk out of this forest.

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