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"What do you want my help with, exactly?"

Fang chewed her bottom lip standing up on her tip toes since she was tiny. To me and Zeke she was, Zeke being a few inches taller than me which made me content since I always wanted a mate that was taller me. At least that's what I fantasized about when I was younger.

"We work with a rebellion that aims to take down the Crimson Pack. And, having a ex one on our side would really help." She said it with excitement beaming up at me and my eyes widened.

I looked away, then back at them and sighed exasperated.

"It's not like I have a choice is it."

My voice was carried to them by the wind and a car that zoomed by. I shivered then from my loose knitted jumper and jeans gripping my arms to reserve heat.

"Let's head inside. If I do remember, there is a dangerous pack after your head."

Zeke offered me dragging Fang backward and I watched them climb up the steps before following shortly after.


Thirty minutes later and I was sat stoic on a recliner seat by the closed blinds. My legs pulled close to me and my teeth clattering from how cold I was.

I cuddled myself backwards into the comfy leather eyeing curiously my surroundings.

A archway leading to a kitchen was on the left, two doors were behind a sofa and I assumed they were bedrooms. There was a coffee table between me and the sofa and I had to admit this house was a lot nicer than my shitty apartment.

Contentedly, a small sigh left my lips and I half smiled.

"What's up with that creepy ass smile?" Zeke commented dryly sitting down across from me holding boiling hot chocolate in a red mug.

Smoke wafted up to the ceiling and I licked my lips in anticipation. Before remembering to answer his question.

"I don't have to get a roommate anymore."

His eyebrows furrowed and he sipped his hot chocolate. "I wish I didn't just get a new one."

"Fuck you."

"You wish." He said chuckling when I glared at him. My eyes ablaze and my cheeks flushed by his comment.

"Asshole." I murmured under my breath when Fang walked in sitting beside Zeke.

"I suspect you're wondering who this rebellion is," She began placing her hands on her knees and her tone cheery. "We're known as the Red Streaks partly because we all have a red streak tattooed somewhere on her body to show our loyalty to the cause."

Fang pulled down her sock and I stared in wonder at the small bright red tattoo on her ankle bone.

It looked sore and was fading around the edges. I hated needles, so I won't be getting one of them.

"Okay, but what do you want me to do?" I asked.

Zeke seemed reluctant to speak but a harsh glare from Fang forced him to. He avoided my eyes tactfully and sipped his hot chocolate.

"You're Father has become the second in command of the Crimson Pack and in return his pack is left alone by them."

I became angry at the mention of my so called Father, I stayed quite though interested in where this was going.

"What I'm saying is that you'd be the perfect key for us to get info on the Crimson Pack and get revenge on your family."

I searched his eyes knowing that he already knew how much I hated them. Most Supernaturals would know that half the Crimson Pack was made up of offered children.

So without even letting the thought process, I spoke letting a smirk form on my face at the thought of meeting my family again.

"I'll do it."

Fang smiled yet again and clapped her hands together. "That's great and it's also great that you two are mates!"

Fang began babbling and my eyes locked with Zeke's. His chocolate eyes dragging me in and making me yearn to feel his touch, his lips.

His eyes stayed locked with mine even when some sense filled me and I looked away.

He rejected me. I'll be staying here from now on, but I can't get attached to someone who doens't even want me to begin and if he gets to know me and the things I've done; he'll have even more of a reason to hate me.


A few days past by, I was forced to stay inside the house and I didn't really object to the idea. If Master got me, he'd rip me to shreds and stick my head on a pike.

I played with the bubbles in the bath, almost child-like. Watching them swirl around my mid section and disperse yet again. The water soaked into my calloused skin and I sighed through my nose relaxing against the cold bath.

My hair turned ten shades darker than before. The tips being drenched instantly and I closed my eyes letting my thoughts wonder.

Would pretending to be someone I wasn't just to get closer to my family, work? That's what I've been doing all these years I guess, pretending to be someone I'm not.

I didn't even question my reason for why I agreed to doing this. Revenge was the only thing on my mind, I felt such hatred and anger toward my so called family for what they did to me.

No matter what happens, I'll make sure they get what the deserve.

Karma does always come back to bite you in the ass.


+P.O.V, Zeke+

I could smell Lux, her scent was the best I've ever smelt. Honey-sickle and strawberry and I hate strawberries. But I love them if they were coming off of her.

Her scent was also mixed with soapy bubbles and I was consuming an onion to try to rid myself of her scent.

She was beautiful from her black hair to her ravishing legs. She was like a book waiting to be opened and that's what intrigued me.

Her scent lulled me to a deep trance of exhaustion. It was like smelling lavender except it didn't make you sneeze.

I wish I didn't reject her. I knew she thought I hated her but I only hated what she did. I barely knew her so it wasn't right that I rejected her just after meeting her. Anger made my decision for me though.

I don't how she turned out like that though. I was an offered child too, except my older sister Fang helped me escaped and thus had to change her identity.

A thought struck me, maybe it was because I got off lucky and left early on whilst she stayed and became what she was; or had to be to survive in their world.


What do you think of this chapter, I hope everybody liked Zekes P.O.V? Also I hope you like how the story is going? :)

-Question of the day-

What song are you thinking of, right now? Mines I Really like you, by Carly Rae Jepson I think ^^

Vote/Comment/Shareplz! :)

Goal this chapter- Seven comments yet again since I didn't reach it last time ^^ Or maybe just didn't give it enough time XD

Also thanks so much for all the votes and comments on the last few chapter, I reached my goal and the story is now at 208 on Vampire so that makes me really happy!! :)

Thanksforreading! :D

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