Chapter 38: The Betrayal

Start from the beginning

"We thought you'd been caught, Y/N," Alicia said anxiously from her perch on the arm of the couch next to Angelina and Lee.

You shook your head, "no, but it was a close call. Harry got caught by Malfoy and Umbridge. He signalled me not to go after him, so I hope he knows what he's doing." Ron and Hermione shared a worried look while Ginny put her face in her hands.

"I just can't believe Marietta Edgecombe ratted us out," Angelina scowled, "I knew she had a stick up her arse, but come on."

Fred sat back down on the couch next to George and because so many of you were gathered, there wasn't room for you to sit so Fred pulled you down with him and you sat on his lap. You kicked off your shoes and stuck your toes under George's leg, you almost kicked him when he subtly tried to tickle the soles of your feet, never missing an opportunity to mess with you despite the low mood of the group.

"So what happens now?" you asked your friends and everyone shared looks of despair, and you all sat in near-silence waiting for Harry to come back.

When he did come back a couple of hours later, he told you that Umbridge had called Fudge in along with Kingsley Shacklebolt and another Ministry wizard he didn't know. When he told you that Percy was also there and had eagerly detained Harry, the Weasleys all voiced their disgust at their older brother.

You learned that Dumbledore had taken the blame for the D.A., and when Harry had tried to protest, Dumbledore had said to Fudge and Umbridge that the group was clearly named Dumbledore's Army, so no student was to blame. Umbridge had stated that this was clearly an attempt of Dumbledore's to seize control of the Ministry, and Dumbledore had agreed, saying that he was recruiting students for an army of his own and that tonight was the first meeting. Kingsley Shacklebolt was thankfully still loyal to the Order and had altered Marietta's memory so she would verify this story, despite having already told Umbridge where the meeting would be held. Harry then explained that Dumbledore had been in the process of being put under arrest when he escaped with the help of his phoenix, Fawkes.

When Harry finished his story, you all sat in silent disbelief. Dumbledore was gone, the D.A. had been betrayed, and Umbridge would be more ruthless than ever in her reign over the school.

Things would likely only continue to get worse, which was proven true the following morning when another Educational Decree was put up, stating that Umbridge was replacing Dumbledore as the Head of the school.

The Inquisitorial Squad was even more powerful with her as Headmistress, and their harsh deduction of points from other students was extremely noticeable when you looked at the four large hourglasses depicting the points of each House. You and the twins walked up to the Trio who were staring angrily at the depleting House points.

"Noticed, have you?" you asked them.

"Malfoy just docked us all about fifty points!" Harry groaned as he glared at the hourglasses.

"Montague tried to do the same to us during break," you told them nonchalantly.

"What do you mean 'tried'?" Ron asked, puzzled.

"He tried to dock me points, calling me a Mudblood but he couldn't get the words out," you started while Fred rested an arm across your shoulders as he continued your story, "this would be due to the fact that we forced him head-first into that Vanishing Cabinet on the first floor."

George snickered and so did Ron and Harry, Hermione looked horrified and when she looked at you, you just shrugged.

"You'll get into so much trouble," Hermione said warily.

George shrugged, "not until Montague reappears, and that could take weeks, I dunno where we sent him."

"And anyway, we've decided we don't care about getting into trouble any more," Fred said and you felt your spirits sink slightly.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now