Chapter 40- Only One Will Die Tonight

Start from the beginning

"Wait!" Remus points his want at him.

"I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!" Sirius voice breaks and Remus sighs.

"Very well. Kill him." Remus gives him his wand. "But wait one more minute, Harry has the right to know why." Harry steps closer to them.

"I know why. You betrayed my parents! You're the reason they're dead!" Harry yells.

"No, Harry it wasn't him. Someone did betray your parents but it was somebody until quite recently, I believed to be dead." Remus looks at me.

"Who was it, then?!" Harry asks.

"Peter Pettigrew! And he's in this room right now!" Sirius smiles wide. "Come out Peter!" I notice a tall figure standing behind them.

"Is that Snape?" Hermione whispers to me.

"Expelliarmus!" Snape disarms Sirius. "Vengeance is sweet. Oh I hoped I'd be the one to catch you." Snape sneers.

"Severus, I-" Remus starts.

"I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle, and now here's the proof."

"Brilliant Snape. Once again you put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion." Sirius laughs. "Now if you excuse us, Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to."

Snape points his want into Sirius' s neck.

"Give me a reason. I beg you." Snape says sternly.

"I always knew you were a beggar Severus." Sirius laughs to himself.

"Sirius, back off." Remus says.

"Shut it Remus!" Sirius yells.

"Oh listen to you two quarreling like an old married couple." I cover my mouth to keep myself from laughing.

"Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set!" Sirius says and Snape digs his wand deeper.

"I could do it, you know. But why deny the dementors? Oh, do I detect a flicker of fear? A dementors kiss, I can only imagine what that must be like to endure. It's said to be unbearable to witness but I'll do my best."

As Snape says this, a flicker of memory comes back to when I pulled Cedric off of one at the game. God, so much has happened since then. I look back up at Sirius and his fearful eyes. I know there's more to this story.

"Severus please!" Remus begs. I slowly start taking Hermione's wand from her jeans pocket.

"After you!" Snape yells. I point the wand at Sirius and Snape nods his head, signaling for us to escape. Sirius turns his head in defense and I quickly point at Snape.

"Expelliarmus!" Snape flys backwards right into a bed, breaking it an half as he does so.

"Y/n! What did you just do?" Ron's eyes go wide.

"You attacked a teacher!" Hermione yells.

"Oh don't defend him, he was always an asshole!" I turn back to them.

"Tell me about Peter Pettigrew!" I point my wand to Remus.

"He was at school with us. We thought he was our friend."

"No, Pettigrew's dead. You killed him!" I point at Sirius.

"No he didn't! I thought so, too, until you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map."

"The map was lying then!" I say.

"The map never lies! Pettigrew is alive." Sirius says and I give him a puzzled look.

"You know about the map?" I question.

"Of course, we made it." Sirius motions to Remus.

"You're the Marauders?" Harry asks.

"Moony and Padfoot at your service." Sirius raises an invisible hat.

"How could that be? Wormtail's my owl." Sirius raises his eyebrows at me.

"You're owl is named Wormtail? Did Gregory give him to you?" Sirius asks.

"Yes but-"

"That sappy old shit." Sirius rolls his eyes.

"Can you guys please talk about the owl later!? Did you just say that Pettigrew is alive?" Harry says.

"Yes! And he's right there!" Sirius points to Ron.

"Me? He's mental!" Ron says defensively.

"No! Not you. Your rat!" We all turn and look at Scabbers.

"Scabbers has been in my family for-"

"Twelve years? Strangely long life and he's missing a toe isn't he!?"

"So what?" Ron shrugs.

"A finger was all they found of him. Coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead! And then he transformed into a rat!" Sirius leans closer to Scabbers.

"Show me!" I demand. Sirius snatches him out of Ron's hands.

"Leave him alone!" Ron pleads. Scabbers escapes Sirius's hands and begins to run all around the shrieking shack. He attempts to jump through a hole in the wall but begins to grow larger and in a split second Scabbers is a very large man.

Sirius and Remus pull him out and he starts twitching and snorting. My face twists in disgust.

"Remus? Sirius? My old friends!" Peter's face grows into a huge smile and he runs up to hug them. They push him away quickly and bring up their wands.

He turns to me and his face lights up.

"Oh, sweet y/n. My brother kept you from me for all these years." He walks twords me step back.

"Don't you dare come near me!" I yell and point my wand closer to him.

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