Episode 11: Space Invaders Part 2

Start from the beginning

"And then she locked us in here where we sleep!" Neil snitched from his little sleeping pod and his tattle-telling didn't go down very well with the girl who wanted revenge for his dastardly actions.

"Yeah, and you're gonna stay in there!" She yelled back at him, which enraged her father. He wasn't going to take any back-chat from a child, especially when that child happened to be his flesh and blood.

"I'll tell you what, young lady! When we get back to Earth, on the ground, you are gonna be so, so grounded." The astronaut scolded her, but Kelsey didn't care. She was on the right side of the locked door and if her father couldn't reach her, he couldn't ground her either. Simple.

"Uh, I don't know what the butt is goin' on here, but uh, kid...you let those astronauts out of their sleep...things," Ray told Henry, who did as he was told. (y/n) could've helped too, but Ray wanted to steer her away from Dick-le. Yeah, he had a child and had probably forgotten all about her, but he couldn't help but want to keep his girl all to himself.

"You just freeze!" Kelsey threatened Henry, the muzzle of the gun being centimetres away from his navel. He just couldn't take her seriously though, she was a child and he was a superhero, come on, it was a no-brainer.

"Aha! Yeah, I don't freeze, I thaw." Henry quipped, thinking. he sounded so cool with his little play-on-words, but...

"Wait, you saw what?" (y/n) asked him, giggling at her little joke, which went right over Henry's head and Ray's for that matter. Now, the man holding her hips as they watched the kid's altercation was thoroughly confused.

"Huh?" Henry tilted his head at her, which caused her to groan as Ray switched to protective mode and warily looked around their feet. Was there something crawling around that he needed to be worried about?

"You said you saw something." He reiterated what (y/n) had said, but unlike her, he wasn't joking, more like hugging her to his chest in case there were more devilish children around.

"No, I said I thaw." Henry corrected him, making. the young woman facepalm. Well, they had taken her joke and slaughtered it.

"Well, you thaw what? What'd you thee?" Ray panicked, his mind jumbling from the thin, recirculated air he was breathing and the confusing ramblings from his sidekicks.

"Captain Man, are you okay?" (y/n) asked her boyfriend in concern, wondering why his speech was suddenly slurring. Should she be worried? She picked up his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze, which helped to calm him down a bit.

"I don't know, sweet girl, the air's pretty weird in here." He whined and bent over to clutch his head like he had a headache. Anything to get a little attention from her.

"The air is...? All right, I'm gonna let you guys out." Henry ignored his boss's pathetic complaint and refocused on the task at hand; getting the trapped astronauts free.

"You move, I blast you." Kelsey intimidated him in a menacing, confident tone, but Henry was more than ready to take her on. He dropped his small blaster to the ground since he didn't want to accidentally pull the trigger on a little girl and Ray and (y/n) stood back to watch the show.

"Good luck," Henry told Kelsey, who began to fire the gun at Kid Danger,  but even if she was the best markswoman in the world, she would never be able to outmatch Henry's hyper-motility. He dodged every laser with ease, jumping and ducking well before he could be injured. The skirmish ended with Henry bouncing back against the wall, next to Ray and (y/n), who were just waiting for a good moment to get in on the action.

"Whoa, how'd you do that?" Kelsey gasped, amazed that even though she had squeezed the trigger as much as her little digit would allow, not one had left a scratch on her enemy. This was gonna be harder than she first thought.

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