Chapter 1

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A notebook fell from the sky, into the human world. It laid on the ground, waiting for its human owner to pick it up. Silver coloured letters appeared: Death Note

Calloused fingers held the pen as another name of a criminal was written down, the criminal dying of a heart attack. Another name was written, and once again another victim fell down. This continued and escalated. The writer of the names had been given a name: Kira


I focussed as I threw the basketball at my teammate, him passing it to another one, who threw it into the basket. We cheered and the score went up. I kept focussing on the ball as it slid through the players of the other team and eventually through the basket. I pouted and smirked when it was our turn again. I smiled as I took the far end of the field and getting the ball thrown at me. I stared at it and threw it into the basket. Everyone cheered again and the match ended. I smiled as I held up my hand and let the other teams players put their bet money in it. I counted and divided the money before walking up to the side and grabbed my bag. Ruki, my boyfriend and the school's midget, sighed a bit and asked: "So, the future commisary gets his money from bets?" "Let's go, I'll treat you to lunch". He giggled. "Keep your dirty money". I smiled as I took his hand and walked out with him. "By the way, how did you know where I was?" "I saw the announcement". He looked at me. "Congrats. You've won the game against Ancient Greek".

"Ne, I think Kira is way more effective than Justice. Kira just sends everyone who did bad to Hell". Ruki looked at some of his classmates as we took a seat far enough from most of the crowd. "The only topic in my class is Kira as well." Ruki finally said. "You don't believe in him?" "Not really, no. He just murders in cold blood. And besides, we have police and Judges." "But you have to admit that the streets are more quiet now. Ruki. Do you believe there is something as a notebook of Death"? He looked at me as if I just told him that 1+1 makes 20. "No I don't. Why? Because there isn't. That's why." "What if I found one?" "I don't believe that. It's probably a prank. And even if there was, Death wouldn't be so stupid to drop it into a human world. It's too dangerous for a human to handle it". I sighed a bit. "Ne, Ruki. There is something I want to tell you". He looked at me curiously and I told him. "A month ago I hacked into the police database. I saw the names of all the criminals and what punishment they had gotten. Many of them were never punished, and some cases were closed due to lack of evidence. They keep it a secret from the media". Ruki frowned a bit. "And everyone just takes that?" he asked. I sighed. "They keep it a secret to prevent panic. I didn't want to believe it, so I wanted to see it with my own eyes".

~Flashback (a month ago)

My fingers flew over the letters as I stared at the screen. 'Root login successfull' it said. I smiled a bit, but gasped when I saw the names of all the criminals that were still out there. I scrolled through the names but one particular caught my eye. I clicked on the name. 'Takuo Shibunara. Not charged'. "What is this..." I whispered shocked. I closed the laptop and grabbed my phone, putting on a dark hoodie.

I arrived at a local bar. The bar was known in town for being a club to mostly criminals and mafiabosses. This is where I would find Takuo. I sat down at the bar, ordering a drink. "You've killed someone and didn't go to jail?" I heard someone ask. Another voice joined in. "When the blood goes to my head, I go on a rampage. Then I hear some kind of voice". A third voice sounded: "A voice? What does it say"? I peeked at the trio and noticed Takuo. He leaned over to his friend, holding a knife to his throat. "I'm gonna kill you"! The friend screamed a bit and said to Takuo: "Quit it, dude. I thought I was gonna die". One of them looked at me and asked sarcastically: "Ne, do you have a good view, asshole"? The trio walked up to me and one grabbed my collar. "Are you from that family"? Takuo stood in front of me, sliding the knife along my sweater. "I easy the blade went through the flesh...but that the heart was a bit more difficult". He groaned and screeched: "Oh no! What have I done! I don't remember anything"! I stared at him in slight shock and he said glaring at me: "Nobody can judge me"!

~End of flashback

"Why were you doing something so dangerous! Just stop it already..." Ruki said to me. I leaned over to him a bit. "Ruki. Do you still disagree on Kira"? He sighed and looked down at his coffee. "I'm not gonna tell Ruki any more about this. He doesn't believe me." I thought.

-continuing flashback

I ran through the pouring rain down the alley until I stopped. I pulled out my school book: 'Justice and Human Rights'. I frowned and almost smashed it into a pile of trash, until something caught my eye. A black notebook. I picked it up, stared at it and looked around for anyone who might have lost it. I looked at the front again, noticing the two words: Death Note.

So here is the first chapter :3 hope you like it :D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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