prologue: Where it's all begins

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"I wonder what is this new town look like.......I really miss home" Boyfriend sigh as his mom try to comforting him.

"I know it's hard but it's ok now you are not the only one going there" Alice smile.

"Yeah you have me and your friends" Kapi hug Boyfriend as he smile a bit before look at the window of the train again as his sight on the place he once call home now far away.

The train is on is the Sunbright express run from the City or town to a land hardly anyone know, Boyfriend's family happen to be transferred there to their works, he were sad yet nervous as the same time they hardly know the town well so he dunno if it's even call a place where all creatures live in peace and harmony, he look around and saw most everyone were talking and smiling sent an odd feeling to his spine as he wonder if his parents is making a right choice but he can't complain now that he is sitting in a train surrounded by all different creatures from anthropomorphic, humanoid, ghosts, spirits even some creatures he thought only happen in legends.

For next few hours, to boyfriend it's seem like long something have caught his eyes by surprised as he were looking at it.

"!?" Boyfriend open his mouth as his eyes land on the town of the land fill with all kind of different creatures all live in the town.

"We're here and right on schedule too" Oliver smile as he get the luggages.

"Wow this town is hug! And look at all these new people!" Kapi smiles as he get down from his sit

Before Boyfriend can get off the train, he notice Pico and wonder why he is on the train as well but before he could talk with him his mom already lead him to what seem their new home, everyone were tired and so after unpacking they all hit to bed turn in for the night.

After a week or two, Boyfriend start to get used to the town but he were still nervous so he were not able to talk with anyone, on top it off the business that his father trying to do have gone bad, while he is worry he heard the people around town talking.

"Have you heard that the manor and some of the nobles like look for new servants?" The bird anthropomorphic woman spoke.

"Really? I heard they pay really well! You think I should send my kid work for a while?" The human woman said.

"Wow you have to be pretty lucky to be chosen to be work in the manor otherwise there always next time" the ghost like lady said while nod.

"Work.....? Manor......? Maybe.......Yeah.......Yeah! I can help my family this way!" Boyfriend said to himself as he rush get prepared.

By the afternoon and before evening, Bf told his parents about the job he been hearing, his parents got worry but think maybe this can help him gain some experience so they reluctantly agreed, as Bf arrived at the place where what seem the interview held, he saw Kapi and Pico and he greeted them.

"Kapi! Pico! I didn't know you guys are here!" Bf smile and they were happy to see him.

"Wow man! I didn't think you would apply for the job as well!" Kapi smile and hug bf as he ruffle his hair.

"Heh I guess we all are but I dunno why but I heard they paid our family in the first month advantage" Pico said as he look around of the most kids same age apply for the work.

"Seem the interview well is starting come on!" Bf said as he get into places.

At the door, Two men belong in the mystic clan come in the room as well whisper start up, they are the brothers from the Light family here to interview them for the work that is now opened.

"Welcome! Welcome dear Children! Thank you all for coming to this interview!" The older brother spoke up as he smile at everyone in the room.

"We are very happy to have you here for the interview, tho we must warn you all that only those have all the needed requirements to be work in the manor so do your best!" The youngest brother spoke up as he also smile.

After at least two hours, results have come in as the brothers of the Light family read out each people names on the list who will work in the manor and Bf and his friends names are in the listed as his eyes light in joy and relieve that he is in the list.

"Congratulations to those who is one the listed! And to those who isn't please don't be sad since there is always next time" the older brother said as the younger brother escort those isn't in the list outside.

"Now before you all can go to the manor, we have a small ceremony to made before we go" as the older brother finish his speak the young bring out the cups and the bottle.

"Have no fear children this is just coffee special brew from our family with just one cup show your devotion to the family you be working for" as the younger brother finish speak the older brother already pour in their special brew coffee from the bottle half of the cup to each cups.

"It's maybe bitter a bit but once you got used it you might want to get more" the younger brothers smile "Now drink up children".

Everyone start drink up the coffee while Bf, Pico and Kapi were hesitated a bit but after a short while they start to drink the coffee as well, as everyone put their cups down......

"Let us ever remember........the families within the manor are the outstanding families of the nobles" everyone including Bf, Pico and Kapi spoke as the time.

"To serve them is the pride and joy of every mortals!"

As everyone stop spoken, the two brothers smile at each other as they know they are ready, everyone were transport in a special bed in a different train lead to the manor, here is how our story begin as Bf and his friends enter the manor.

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