Power Placement

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When the gust of wind stopped, so did the person who had been running around the group of freshmen. It was a taller, bigger student wearing black and white. He stood in front of the new students, looking them over. "Hey, freshmen! Your attention please."

As it turned out, the person Elodie had grabbed and held onto was her brother. Will assured her it was over, or at least the scary part was. He patted her back and she let go of him, still unable to see with her hair in her face.

As Elodie pushed her unmanageable hair out of her eyes, someone else was approaching. She looked up at him as he settled beside the other male.

He stretched his body to get where he wanted to be, which in that moment was beside his fast friend. He had brown hair that was swept over his forehead and wore black and white like his friend, but he had more color on. What made him really stand out were the black and white stripes that covered his arms.

He moved his arms, which she assumed was to allow his elastic body to settle after stretching like it had. He put up a hand in a half wave. "I'm Lash, this is Speed, and as representatives of the Sky High welcoming committee..."

"We'd be happy to collect that fifteen dollar new student fee," Speed finished, arms crossed over his chest. Lash stretched his arm out to a boy dressed in orange and wearing glasses. He flicked his fingers to encourage a fast transaction.

The boy looked at his hand. He looked rather confused. "There was nothing about a new student fee in the handbook."

"Okay, guys, very funny," a new voice said. All attention was diverted to a girl clad in all pink, speaking softly and kindly. "I'll take it from here."

Speed and Lash frowned as their fun was ruined. Lash rolled his eyes, but as they came down he saw Elodie watching him. She flushed when she realized she had been staring at him, barely paying attention to their scam. She wanted to look away, but she felt stuck, so she watched Lash as he smirked at her and sent her a wink. He and Speed turned around to head into the school.

The pink girl took their place and Elodie finally looked down. "Hi everybody. I'm Gwen Grayson, your student body president," she introduced herself. She began to explain how Sky High was a great place and a few rules. Elodie found her boots to be a lot more interesting.

When she was done, she led them inside for orientation and then to the gym. When everyone was safely in the gym, Gwen bid them goodbye and a happy school year. They approached an unoccupied podium at the end of the gym.

Suddenly, a bright, white, glittering orb flew through the room and stopped at the podium, then turned into an older woman wearing a white suit. She smiled at everyone, standing gracefully before them. "Good morning. I am Principle Powers. On behalf of all the faculty and staff, welcome to Sky High."

"Yeah!" Zach shouted, gaining him a stern look from the principal. He settled down and she continued.

"In a few moments, you will go through Power Placement and your own heroic journey will begin."

"Power Placement?" Will asked.

Layla crossed her arms. "Sounds facist."

"It's how they decide where you go," the orange boy, known as Ethan, explained.

Magenta, a girl dressed in purple and with purple streaks in her hair, continued, "The hero track or the loser track."

"There's a loser track?" Elodie asked.

"I believe the preferred term is Hero Support."

"For now, good deeds and good luck! Comets away!" Principal Powers turned back into a flashy orb and flew away, the new students watching her and their attention diverting to a platform rising from the floor with someone standing atop it.

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