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     It started off like any other ordinary day at my job—this crappy family entertainment business I've worked in for way longer than anyone should ever put up with. Chuck E Cheese's. The name alone is enough to force me to book an appointment with my therapist. Honestly thirteen straight years of screaming, bratty children is enough to damage anybody's sanity. I've had my fair share of kicked shins and blown out eardrums. I swear it seemed like the kids only got worse with time. Being forced to keep a smile whilst being abused by countless children everyday really takes a toll on a fella. Well it did.
          In this line of work, accidents are unavoidable. Kids spreading their diseases like wildfire, minor injuries from the miscellaneous party games, falling from the top of the tube towers, and of course kids getting into scuffles over whatever they seem to want at any given time. Each accident could only ever go so far and the worst case scenario was usually just losing a customer over a dissatisfying experience, and then life would go on.
          That was until a kid was abducted at my location. I immediately contacted the police, I did my best to console the hysterical mother and even hosted my own search party to find him. All of my efforts were in vain and the kid was never found. A lawsuit obviously followed and the reputation of the once honorable Chuck E. Cheese's name was brought to its knees. The usuals would still come so there was enough revenue to even out and it took years for us to convince any new customers to come in, but things eventually started looking up. Until the lightning not only struck twice, but four more times. With that many cases where the only link was a single Chuck E. Cheese's location, I had no choice but to close the building down, file for bankruptcy, and resign from my position.
    The police had brought me in for questioning and even held me for a few nights. I suppose I was always the prime suspect for those abductions and presumed murders, but all of my alibis checked out and I was never charged. I complied with every demand the police made and really did my best to capture the sick individual behind them, but at the end of the day I was jobless and there was only so much I could do. I immediately started applying everywhere and anywhere I could—only to be rejected by all of them. As soon as they got to the background check, no one would even take a second look at me. The longer the hunt for a job took, the more desperate I became. I had only just recently got approved by a new and upcoming family restaurant called Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, and have been more eager than ever to finally start under new employment.
        Two weeks and a good amount of training later and it's my first shift on my own. First day working as an official member of the Fazbear family. Even took the liberty of crossing out Chuck E. from my name tag and writing William over top of it. Fresh start and all. I figured they wouldn't want to be associated with the Chuck E. name. I took a deep breath and approached the door but it swung open before I could even reach for it.
    "Oh thank god you're here, we've a lot to go over Chuck—"
    "William," I corrected, pointing to my name tag.
    "I don't have very much time but you have to get in your costume."
    "Yes costume, now hurry up, Chuck. We open in about fifteen minutes."
     He grabbed my arm and forced me through the doors. He led me to the locker room—to Locker 23. "This is gonna be your locker while you're here, you can keep whatever you like in it as long as it'll fit. Your costume must go back in here before you get ready to sleep. The combination is 39-52-48. I gotta go now, good luck!"
    I input the combination with nimble fingers, eye widening at the familiar suit. My old Chuck E. Cheese getup. I never thought they would have wanted to associate with that legacy. I thought I'd finally been able to move on from my past as that mouse, but here I am, about to take on the responsibility once more. Donning the suit again meant taking on a brand new life here at Freddy Fazbear's. And I'm fully prepared to not bonk that up this time around.

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