"You can't get away"

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Author POV:

He fired a shot but Taehyung dogged the shot and started fight with Hyunjin , he left his hand from Ae-rii's waist and both were fighting and she got a chance to run away ...

Ae-Rii POV:

I ran as fast my legs to take me away from there I just meet Taehyung an hour ago and he's claiming me as his I didn't thought he will be such a person ... and even he's fighting with Hyunjin

I didn't look back and reached my apartment and I reached home only get welcomed by Alice and I got in and locked the door

Alice:"Unnie what happened why you so hurrying?is everything okay? Unnie " she asked

Ae-Rii:" it's nothing honey , did you had your dinner ?" I asked her she was confused but she didn't paid alot attention

Alice:"I'm done did you had?" She asked by coming closer to me

Ae-Rii:"what happened why you smelling like a dog" I asked

Alice:"Did you drink?"she questioned by crossing her arms around her chest

Ae-Rii:"Mmm...A little it was a party Alice so it's common"

Alice:"You lucky Mom's at grandmother's house and I'm not gonna tell her okay this time 😁" she said I know my sister

Ae-Rii:"I know my dear little Alice" I pinched her cheeks but she yanked my hand

Alice:"but on one condition ..." She said

Ae-Rii:"and what's it?" I asked

Alice:" Ramen and a blow of Rice Kimchi Please" i rolled my eyes at her silly condition

Ae-Rii:"Okay okay" I said and she started jumping like little kids I just laughed and prepared for her

We sat infront of the Tv and we're enjoying our bowls of ramen when's I got a message from a unknown no.


???:Babygirl enjoying Ramen huh leaving me ..

Me:Who are you ??

???:Mmm you know me Ae-Rii if you wanna know come down in 5 minutes I'm waiting bye love

I panicked by this message and was thinking who is this guy who is messaging me and calling to meet I was wondering whether to go or not or what should I do when I heard Alice Yaws and saw she's asleep and I got up from my seat and took my coat and headed out slowly and saw a Man and 3 black cars with him

When I reached there that man turned around and saw it was him

Taehyung POV

I was standing down near babygirls apartment and she came I could feel her steps and I turned around to see her

Taehyung: Enjoying

Ae-Rii: it's non of your business , just say why are you here?

Taehyung: every business of yours is mine ok and I want your answer

Ae-Rii: Answer for what ??

I just smirked and leaned closer to her  ear and whispered

Taehyung: I love You my Babygirl your mine

Ae-Rii POV

He whispered in my ear I couldn't believe what was he saying

Ae-Rii: I don't love you and I'm not yours never " I said as anger was visible in my voice but he just Chuckled darkly and said

Taehyung:" Oh no no no my , Ae-Rii you are mine you like it or not " he said

Ae-Rii:"You can't force me , to Luv you okay " I said and turned to go when he said made me stop in my track

Taehyung:"I give you 5 days I want your answer if it's an Yes or Yes , and remember no one can save you I'm your present and future okay goodnight sweetheart" he said and drive away with his car

I ran to my home and locked myself in my room and cried hard he gave me 5 days and what shall I do ...

Ae-Rii: I don't luv him it will only make's me hate him more it's really out of the box..*sobs*

To continue next chapter


Hi Reader in next chapter I will come up with a name for you all to call you as my Fandom hope you support me and love my writing


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