Hurt to save hurt

15 1 0

I know I hurt you

And in turn that hurt me

But that was never my mission

I was scared

And I tried to explain

But you never listen

"Please don't touch me"

"I don't want to"

But no never means no

And that's where it went wrong

They never know what no means

They ignore it

Find it a joke

Or a challenge

And I can't handle it

Because I can't bear the flashbacks

And the terror it brings me

When you bring out the memories

After I told you no

And you never wanted to listen

"I'll be quick"

"Just for a minute"

"Come on I know you want to"

So I am sorry that I hurt you

It hurts to know that I caused you pain

But I can't relive those moments

Wondering when something worse will happen

And I will just have to endure it

Because you will never understand

That no. Meant no

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