|Chapter Thirteen| Rosebay

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It was a foreign concept for him because he never cared about anything. He was always indifferent toward everything and everyone, except her.

She brought every emotion out of him - anger, annoyance, sadness, happiness, and something more.

All of his emotions were heightened when it came to her and he loved every second of it.

Because of her, he could feel everything...

And seeing the fire leave her eyes that day, made his heart physically ache.

He wanted to do everything in the world to make her smile at him again with her eyes radiating life.

"We should have gone to the doctor sooner," she mumbled as they organized the painting supplies he kept hidden in his closet, right under his underwear drawer.

Connor didn't want his father to find it because if he did, he'd start with his pointless speeches about being a real man and studying harder at school instead. He'd force his opinions on him again, and he hated how he couldn't disobey him most of the time just because he wasn't old or strong enough.

But one day, he thought, he would stand up for what he believed. He'd proudly share his love for arts and architecture, scream it from the rooftops and become the best architect just so his father could see his name on every building, newspaper, and tabloid.

"It would have saved him."

"It wouldn't, Little Monster," he said, reaching for a lock of her hair and tucking it behind her ear. He loved how her eyes closed when his fingers brushed the side of her neck accidentally. "Cancer can't really be treated."

"Are you telling the truth?" She asked with her huge eyes staring at him under long lashes. He loved when her whole attention was on him.

"I'm telling the truth." He lied because he didn't want her to look away. He wanted her eyes on him...only on him, always.

Suddenly her eyes narrowed before she punched him on the shoulder playfully.

"It's hard to believe you when I know you've lied to me so many times." She said with a glare and made him chuckle slightly.

"And you are one to talk? You're the lying queen, Little Monster. You always lie to me first."

"I so am not!"

"Just the other day you lied about going to Noisy Rosy's birthday party in Disney just to make me feel bad about not being invited."

"I was supposed to go, idiot." She said, eyes flaring.

"Then why did you come over to my house instead, huh?" He asked, tilting his chin toward her, waiting for her answer, which never really came.

Instead, he saw the exact moment the fire in her eyes lit up stronger than ever, as she looked him in the eye, biting her lower lip all mad. Just the sight of her lively gaze made him happier than anything ever could, and he couldn't stop smiling under his breath.

Making her fight him always did the trick.

"Sometimes, you're really so shitting dumb," she mumbled with a growl, her moves a little too violent then. "So, so shitting dumb," she repeated under her breath as she pushed his pencils inside a jar with a force.

"Do not say that word again, your Mom is going to kill me."

"Good," she said eyes twinkling and a huge smirk painting her lips. "Maybe then. I'll finally get rid of you."

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