Chapter 1

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Here it is: what you've all been waiting for!: Chapter 1



The Past: Continuation from the last book:


She opened her eyes. Her magnificent, hazel orbs.

And she looked utterly confused.

That isn't a good sign....

I was still holding her soft, brown hand when she looked up. She looked at me and smiled. Her warm, smile that suddenly turned to confusion.

"Call the doctor.... Call the doctor... CALL THE FUCKING DOCTOR!" I whispered at first. But by the third time I said it, I screamed as loud as I could, and it hurt my already raw throat.

The grown-ups suddenly jumped at my voice, and hurriedly found the 'call nurse' button.

Soon after, an ugly man walked in the room, and moved me away from Ari.

I growled. That was all I could do.

"Well, good day to you, Miss Ranger." Dr. Pudge-Muffin said... That's my new name for him.

"Wh-wha-what's up, Doc?" She replied in a weak, raspy voice. She then smiled.

I shed a tear, my baby was back. MY BABY WAS BACK!!!! I'm so happy, I've missed her. She was only out for about 4 days, but they were the longest 4 days of my life, that's for damn sure.

I was snapped out of my train if thought when I heard Ari saying something over and over to her parents.

"Who's that? Who's this? Where are we? What am I doing? Mom! When did he get so big? Last time I checked you were 6 months!" She was talking 20 miles an hour to her parents. I walks slowly over to my dad, him standing in the corner.

"What's the diagnosis, Doc?" I asked my father.

"Memory loss... Apparently for about 3 months... Can't remember that you're engaged or even dating. She still has a crush on you though, we know that. Be happy that she's ok. I mean, for Gods sake, she got hit by a fucking car." He laughed bitterly and walked out if the room, after giving me a hug.

"Well, she'll have to sleep here for the rest of the day, just to make sure the concussion is gone." Dr. McPudge said to the Rangers.

Mrs. Ranger nodded and whispered something to the doctor. He nodded in understanding it looked like, and left the room.

"Come here please, Francis." She said to me, voice void if any emotion.

I complied and sat down in the empty chair across from Ari.

I looked at her battered face, and another tear escaped my eye.

"Hey, there sexy. How's it hanging?" My voice was coming back gradually and it cracked.

"I'm good, did ya miss me, baby?" She smiled her little coy grin, and grabbed my hand.

"Uhum!" Mrs. R interrupted.

I wiped my tear and looked at her angry face. She was a pretty woman, but I didn't really like her. Ari knew that, too.

"What's up, Mrs. R?" I asked with a little smirk on my face. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of making me squirm under her scrutinizing gaze.

She scowled.

"Get. Out. Now." She said, venom lacing in every word.

I did what she asked, kissed Ari on the check just to piss her off, and left.

"Bye, my love." I winked at her and went to sit down in the waiting room.

Since dad left, I had no way to get home unless I wanted to call the twins to bring my car here, and that's not happening.

I know why she hates me, but I had nothing to do with it.

When Ariana told he parents that she was a lesbian, her mother was ok with it. But, when she continued and said that she was in love with me, she snapped. She didn't mind me, but she never did like me. She says I 'converted' her daughter. Whatever the hell that means.

"You made her a fag! You wretched whore!" She said to me.

I hate that word. I've been a lesbian for as long as I could remember. I love wearing boys clothes when I was younger, I never had any friends who were girls, and I never had a boyfriend unless I was faking it or experimenting. I still borrow Oli and Oreo's clothes. Mom hated it, so that's why one day she took me out and bought me all of these slutty, awesome, rocker chick clothes.

"Anything but men's clothes" she said to me. I smiled and shook my head at her.

I suddenly remembered the reason she was concussed...


It was all my fault. No. It was Anisa's fault.

When I go back to school, I will kill her and her stupid bisexual whore image. Now she'll be an attempted murdering bisexual whore.


After about 30mins of sitting, I went to the maturity ward and watched all of the little newborns squirming, sleeping, and bundled in a glass room. I wanted kids. I wanted to feel a little being inside if me. In other words, I want to have Ariana's babies...

Once she regains her memory, I'll ask her what she thinks of this idea. Maybe we can conceive together and use each others eggs... Well have twins that look like a mix between both of us. It's kind if fun to think about.

A little light brown haired, blue eyed, baby with orangish skin. A girl.

Or a slightly tanned baby, with hazel eyes, and blonde hair. A boy.

I can't wait for our story to begin.


End of chapter 1!!!! I thought im that went well?




Thanks for voting my beautiful monsters!!

~Livy-Ann <3

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