CHAPATTI (Flat bread)

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. All purpose flour

. Red onion

. Green pepper

. Carrot

. Garlic (optional)

. Ginger root (optional)

. Salt

. Chilli (optional)

. Warm water

. Vegetable oil


. Swift the flour and put in a dish.

. Chop the onion, green pepper, carrot and ginger root finely (jullined).

. Add the chopped ingredients to the flour. Add salt, chilli and warm water.

. Knead the flour until the water dissolves and forms a firm dough. Add some little vegetable oil and knead. This will help the dough becomes soft.

.  Divide the dough into equal portions. On a floured surface, roll the dough into a round shape. Repeat the same for all the other portions.

. Place the frying pan on fire and put the round dough to heat for 2 minutes on every side. Add oil and fry until there golden brown parches on every side.

. Place in a container, cover with lid and leave to chill.

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