Chapter 2

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---Ghislaine's POV---

Me and Cass had just shown up to a bunch of rich musicians. Never was into music just sounded like noise to me. Over the past few hours me and Cass had been following these girls around like dogs. I looked over at Cass who was standing there with his hand on the hilt of his sword. He had been my best friend for a long time now he had been with me through thick and thin.

I thought back to when he had saved me from the stab wound. I touched my stomach and grazed the scar at the thought.. I was brought out of my thoughts when I bumped into someone. I look up to see Cass looking back with his peirceing blue eyes. "You good?" I nod. "Just bored." He nods at my comment. We continued to follow the group that we now know as K/DA.

The girl with the snotty attitude and glasses then looks at us over her shoulder. "Its coming close for us to perform so stay close." Both me and Cass nod. We continued to follow them until there show was about to start. The crowd was insane. There had to be around 400,000 people here. "Damn I hate being around a lot of people." I shake my head at his comment. I was never a big fan of groups myself but I could stand them.

We watched as they performed. "Stay here." Cass then walked off. He must've saw something.

---Cass's POV---

I saw a glint from the top of the stadium. I had left Ghislaine to watch over the group while I headed towards the top. I use my super speed to run up the stairs to the roof. I get to the top and see a figure laying on the ground aiming a rifle down at the stage.

I flash step behind the shooter and have a dagger at there throat. "Put your gun down and don't reach for your sidearm." The shooter lets go of the rifle and puts there hands up. I grab the shooter by the back of his neck and stand him up. I then hear a suppressed shot and feel a shot hit my armor. I hit the shooter I was holding in the back of the head and flash step in front of the other. He tries to shoot me but I pull my sword out fast and cut his gun into pieces. I then sheath my sword and he falls over in fear.

"W-who are y-you?" Instead of answering the second shooter I kick him in the face and knock him out. I then tie the two shooters up and grab there guns. I head back down the stairs and tell a guard of the 2 on top. I walk back to Ghislaine and stand next to her returning to my previous position.

Ghislaine looks at me then asks, "Any problems?" I shake my head in response and continue to watch the concert.


We stand there for the rest of the concert with no problems for us to handle. The normal everyday gaurds handled all of the rowdy fans while we kept watch for any more important issues.

As the concert came to an end and the popstars came off the stage and headed towards the dressing room. We followed them silently as they talked about the concert. Once we got to the room they stopped and turned around and looked at us.

---Ahri's POV---

I looked at the vastya and tall man. "Thank you for your help today. I had heard we had 2 shooters on the roof." The tall man nodded. His gaze made me want to curl into a ball and wrap myself in tails. The vastya then spoke up. "Is that all you wanted of us?" Evellynn then spoke up, "We still need an escort back to our hotel. And we would like to hire you for the next few days."

The tall man nods and we all turn and head into our dressing room. We head in and the two bounty hunters stand outside our door. I sit down on the couch and sigh. "So nice to sit down and relax, even if its just for a moment." Akali laid down on the other couch face first and mumbles something into the couch. Eve looked at her and seemed to understand how she felt. "Darling, we don't know what you said." Akali waves us off and continues to just lay on the couch. We try and relax for as long as possible before we had to head out into the crowd. I look over at Akali and she seemed to be asleep.

Kai'sa walked up to her and shook her lightly and she just layed there. Kai then said, " I think she is out like a light." Sera then speaks up, " I might just join her soon if we don't leave."

---Ghislaine's POV---

We stood there for what seemed to be forever until the door to the dressing room opened up. " We need your help with something big man." The blond vastya grabbed onto Cass and pulled him into the room. I follow behind then and look to see all 5 in some more casual clothes.

" We need you to pick her up. We had to get her into more casual clothes and were too tired to carry her so its your job to pick her up." The vastya was talking about the girl with the hat sleeping under some blankets. I saw Cass noded and walked over to the girl and picked her up bridle style. Made me kind of jealous. She clung to Cass's chest and held onto him tightly.

The other 4 girls led the way out of the room and outside towards there bus that takes them to the hotel. Cass was the first on and tried to put the girl down but she held tightly to him. "I don't wanna let go its warm and comfortable." Cass seemed to give up and sat down with the girl still in his arms. I sat down next him while the rest sat in other seats.

---Cass's POV---

I sat there holding this girl. She still had her mask and hat on but she seemed so familiar. "So how long have you 2 been doing this for?" The vastya asked trying to make conversation. Ghislaine looked at me only to answer, "We've been doing it for about 7 years now." The girl with the glasses looked at me up and down.

"Sorry if we haven't ever introduced ourselves. I'm Ahri, thats Evelynn, and the shy one in the corner is Kai'sa. And the one your holding is Akali. The one with blue hair lidtening to music is Seraphine" She pointed at each one respectively and I tensed up at the mention of Akali's name.

Akali seemed to stir at the mention of her name. Ghislaine seemed to be more tense at the mention of Akali's name as well, considering she has been with me since I was assigned to Akali when she was 10.

Ahri then looks at us expecting us to introduce ourselves. Ghislaine answers her in return. "Im Ghislaine, and that's Cass." Evellynn then looks at me. "You don't speak darling~" She stands up and gets closer to me and looks at me in the eyes, she seemed to be trying to intimidate me. "I don't speak unless needed, not apart of my job description." Seeming satisfied with my answer she sits back down.

Arriving at the hotel we all stand and up and walk out. Me and Ghislaine follow the girls and head to there room, Kai'sa then points me in the direction of Akali's room. "Y-you can s-s-set her down t-there." I nod and lay Akali down only for her grab onto my hand. "Dont leave me heater." I wrap her in the blanket more and she lets go.

I walk out of the room and see most of the girls standing around getting ready to head to bed and Ghislaine was sitting on the couch. Evellynn walks up to me. "Before we let you both stay here you have to show me your face, just so I should know if your worth a ride~." She grabs the sides of my helmet with her hands and slowly pulls up. The rest of the girls see my face.

---Ghislaine's POV---

Every time I see his face I can't help but blush a little. His sharp blue eyes with his sharp features. His blond hair was down to his eyes and he was starting to get some stubble since we've been on the road for so long. It seemed like the rest of the KDA girls had the same idea as me. Many girls feel this way when they see him. Any strong women would.

Evellynn gave Cass his helmet back and they each went to there respective rooms with red faces. Cass started to take his upper armor off and his boots off. He walked over to the couch and layed down next it using an extra blanket and pillow. I then lay down next to him. He had put his sword next to him and I took my jacket off. He layed down and closed his eyes once the lights had turned off. With his back to me I hug him pressing my chest up against my back. Hoping to entice him.


Hope you all enjoyed. Was kinda stuck trying to figure out where to go with this chapter, I have an idea for the rest but the beginning had me seriously stuck. Anyway hope you all enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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