Chapter 4

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Hanako-kun Pov

Yashiro was acting werid lately. I wonder what's up with her.

The part when she said.....

I can't tell you the truth about me


Why won't you just leave me alone?


Why  won't you just understand?

OH MY GOSH! She's up to something! I need to see Kou-Kun! Not MinOmOnTo SeNpIa. 

                                           ... 24343893782479378424973842794 years later................

Kou-kun walked passed the girls bathroom. "HEY~~~~~~ KOU-KUN! WE NEED TO TALK!" I shouted. Kou-Kun was MOON WALKING. *GASP* " What's up?" Kou-kun said, waving his hand. Theirs something sus about Yashiro nene." I whispered. " Yeah dude, REALLY WEIRD. I never seen her like that before." Kou-Kun said, sipping Todoroki's Soba. " Ever since- when did you eat Soba?" I said, pointing at him. "What? You jealous?" Kou-kun said, with his mouth full. I rolled my eyes, and splat the Soba on his head."W-W-WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" Shouted Kou-kun.

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