ME? Or Him?

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 Still Nene Pov

During Lunch time, I sat with Aoi-chan. I can't stop thinking how I been a jerk to Hanako-kun! I told Aoi-chan That I needed a break. I needed to see Kou-kun Anyway. I was walking fast so I could see him. My mind went super crazy! " UGH!" I shouted. I couldn't control myself. I cried and sat down between 2 lockers. Minamonto saw me and..., " Hey, you alright?" He asked. "I- Yeah! I was just- um sleeping with tears?" I laughed with a terse fake laugh. 

I slow-down to stand up and ran to the girls bathroom. I screamed, which no one heard. Expect..... " Um, you alright?" Hanako asked. I turned around in slow motion and nodded. "I was just having a good day?" I chuckled  nervously. He gave me a serious look, and stared at the cut's, blood at my left arm and right. Also on my face a tiny scar. He pushed me on the wall and put his hand around me. " Tell me the truth." He said seriously. I turned away. Blushing. He leaned closer. " I put my both of my arms to my back. I cried. " I can't tell you the truth about me." I said crying. Hanako eyes grew wide. He put his hands on me and kissed me on the cheek. "If you won't tell me, then I'll have to find it out. And gave me a sinister smile and walked away.

I can't tell you the truth about me.Where stories live. Discover now