"Hey Bj?"

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Adam was watching tv with Barbara in the living room when a thought suddenly popped in his mind. Beetlejuice never taught him how to throw his voice. At this thought, he excused himself and went to look for him since he really thought it would be cool.

Adam tried the kitchen, the attic, the roof, Delia and Charles room, he even tried both of the bathrooms upstairs and downstairs. He didn't know where else he could be until he remembered he forgot to check one room.

Adam made his way to Lydia's room and knocked gently. He waited for an answer but he assumed she had her headphones on so he gently pushed it open a bit and just before he was able to say anything, he saw through the crack in the door. His eyes widened in horror as he saw beetlejuice and Lydia on her bed.

Long ass scroll gawfaw

What he saw through the door was alarming to Adam because Beetlejuice was laying on Lydia's lap, while Lydia ran her fingers through his hair in a comforting matter. He couldn't see either of their faces since their backs were turned to him. Luckily neither of them heard him open the door so he just stood there for a bit. Just trying to understand what was happening.

After a few minutes Adam cleared his throat which caused them both to look at him. Lydia whipping her head around quickly to look at him. Beetlejuice turning his body slowly so he could see who it was that was at the doorway.

When Beetlejuice saw that it was Adam he quickly sat up facing away again to wipe away his tears harshly. "What's going on in here?", Adam asked curiously. Before Lydia could say anything Beetlejuice replied with, "nothing, Sexy, just talking" Beetlejuice said in a somewhat usual tone.

Adam frowned. Lydia Jumped in getting all defensive over bj. "You motherfucker!", Lydia exclaimed as she stormed over to Adam, backing him up against a wall. Adam winced "language Lyds" Lydia growled at him. "How could you hurt Beetlejuice just like that?! I can't believe you would do such a thing.", Lydia says disappointment and anger prominent in her voice.

Adam looked over at Beej and saw how terrified Beetlejuice looked at Lydia's yelling. He directed his attention back to Lydia. "I-i'm sorry but I don't know w-what you're talking about.", He said with slight confusion. "You know exactly what I'm talking about you useless piece of-" Lydia was cut off by a loud sob, causing both Adam and Lydia to turn around and look at Beetlejuice who had tears streaming down his face, as he had curled himself into a ball (not a literal ball lol).

Adam got out of Lydia's hold and rushed to Beetlejuice. "Hey Bj, hey. Look at me please, ok?", Adam said as he knelt onto the bed and grabbed BJ's face in his hands. He looked into BJ's eyes and saw how scared he looked, he noticed how much Beetlejuice was shaking. "It's ok bj, it's ok. Just tell me what happen.", He tried.

Beetlejuice whimpered as a response. Adam looked at him with sympathy and quickly pulled him into a hug. Beetlejuice froze up."W-.. what is t-this?", Beetlejuice said after a few seconds of silence. Adam pulled away and looked at Beetlejuice with confusion "you don't know what a hug is?", Adam asked. Beej shook his head. "No."

"Oh I'm sorry beej", Adam quietly said. A few seconds of silence filled the room until they heard Lydia close the door after she left. Beetlejuice flinched at the sound and more tears started to pool at the corner of his eyes. "Hey it's ok", a comforting tone filled Adam's voice to sooth bj.

"C- can you.. can y- you do that h- hug thing again?", Beetlejuice worriedly asked. "Of course", Adam replied with a small smile. Adam wrapped his arms around Beetlejuice's waist and pulled him close, in an embrace. Beej froze up a bit again but soon relaxed into Adam's surprisingly warm body.

Beetlejuice buried his face into Adam's chest. His faint ' breathing ' becoming somewhat normal as he cuddled up to Adam. He didn't notice that Adam had teleported them both up to the attic.

(A/n: I last updated this draft December 27, 2021 so I don't remember what the plot was originally gonna be but I'm guessing that I was probably going for Lydia being mad at Adam cause he broke BJ's "heart" ig idk lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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