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Harry: did we decide where we are going?

Louis: ???

Niall: yeah, we think just a cabin out of town.

Zayn: I'm making arrangements tonight, Liam is getting his schedule sorted.

Louis: what is happening?

Niall: we are going away before the holidays.

Louis: I wasn't invited?

Harry: you don't like the holidays. Remember?

Louis: listen you little shit.

Niall: enough!

Zayn: I mean I tried to tell you last night on the phone, but you had to go.

Louis: yeah, sorry about that. A case isn't going well right now.

Liam: sounds like you need a break mate

Louis: you have no idea, but I can't just go away last minute

Niall: don't you own 50% of it? Yes you can

Louis: I don't know man

Liam: come on, please? I miss you, we all do.

Harry: I don't

Louis: shut it, frat boy.

Harry: asshole

Zayn: come Lou, please.

Louis: I'll let you guys know tonight.

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