#1 Year one

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A/n Students start at hogwarts at age 13. This is because I think 11 years is too young and doesn't fit my story 😉. Also, some events don't go the same as in the book or the movie. I like to give my own twist to the story. I hope you enjoy reading 😊

With my eyes closed, I play my favorite instrument, the violin. I have been playing the violin since I was 6 years old. When my mother was still alive I got my first violin and lessons from her. She could play very beautifully and I always wanted to be as good as her. After she died I stopped playing the violin for a while. She was my best friend and I was devastated when she died. I still have a hard time with it and not a day goes by that I don't think about her. After a few years I started playing her violin, it makes me feel closer to her. The music clears my head and makes sure I can't think about anything else.

"Y/n there's mail for you!" I hear Cedric calling from downstairs. Carefully I putt away my mothers violin and hurry downstairs.

I stare at the letter in my hands with a smile on my face. I always knew this letter would come, but it remains a special moment.

Dear miss Diggory,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Terms begin on 1 September. We await you owl no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva Mcgonagall
Deputy headmistress

Cedric runs his hand through my hair causing it to tangle. "Finally my little sister is coming to Hogwarts too." I look up from the letter and give him a smile. "Be careful otherwise I will tell all the embarrassing stories about you when you were young." Cedric sticks his tongue out at me. My father comes to me and gives me a hug. "Soon we're going to get all the stuff off your list at Diagon Alley." Diagon Alley is the most famous shopping street for all wizards and witches in London. Everyone who ever went to Hogwarts got their school supplies there.

We walk through a street that is a dead end. My father takes his wand out of his pocket and taps several times on different stones. The stones begin to shift and form a passageway to a busy street filled with wizards and witches. This must be Diagon Alley that I've heard so much about. I look around and see parents walking with children my age. I wonder if they will be in my class. "We're going to get your books first and then to Ollivanders," my father says as he leads me to a store. 'Flourish and Blotts' I read on the sign. The shop looks old and the letters on the sign are a bit faded. As soon as we step inside I can smell the musty smell of books. I can't believe my eyes, there are books everywhere in the store, which is of course not very surprising when you go to a bookstore. Most children would find this boring but I like reading and I like to gain extra knowledge.

It doesn't take long before my father and I are outside again with a bag full of books. Don't get me wrong I like books a lot but a trip to Ollivanders is more special. You only do this once in your life and the material your wand is made off says something about yourself. I can't help being a little nervous and fiddling with my coat. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a great wand" my father says as if he can read my mind. We continue walking towards a small, shabby-looking shop. Above the shop hangs a sign that reads 'Olivanders' in gold letters. We step inside and see that there is no one else in the store. I look around and see cupboards full of black boxes. Probably filled with wands. In the middle of the shop is an old counter. If you look over the counter you see a room with even more cluttered cupboards full of black boxes. "Hello?" my father calls. I hear a thump coming from the back of the store and after a while a man appears behind the counter. "Aah the Diggory's, you must be looking for a wand" the man says as he looks at me. I nod "yes sir" a little surprised that the man knows who we are without us saying anything. My father doesn't seem surprised that the man knows who we are. Ollivander watches me for a while which makes me a little uncomfortable. "Hmm I wonder..." he says and he starts looking. He takes a black box and takes out a wand. I grab the wand and get a shock that makes me drop it right away. "Certainly not the same wood as your brother, which is remarkable," says Ollivander. After holding several different wands without success, he takes a box from the warehouse. "This is a wand of the rarest wood I sell, sambucus. It takes a very strong witch to control this but I wonder..." he hands the wand to me. The wand doesn't shock me, but it doesn't give me the 'wow' feeling Cedric was talking about either. "Hmmm" Ollivander thinks deeply. "Could it be...?" He talks to himself as he walks back to get another box. "This wand is not only made of sambucus but the core is phoenix feather. This core is not for everyone and is very picky when it comes to its owner. The combination of the two is remarkable and I've never had anyone for this kind of wand before." Inside the box is a brown wand with small silver details near the handle. He hands the wand to me and it immediately starts to glow. And gentle wind blows through my hair and I feel this is the right wand. "Very remarkable," says Ollivander again. This man talks so much to himself. Why is my wand so remarkable? And why is it weird that I don't have the same as my brother Cedric? Many questions run through my head but I decide to keep my mouth shut.

Finally I have everything I need for the new school year. As a surprise, Cedric gave me an owl so we can write letters to our father. I have a small smile on my face as I look at the owl and then realize that I still have to name her. I studied the owl intently for a while. It is a beautiful white snowy owl with black accents on her feathers. Her eyes are bright yellow and look sweet. "What name shall I give you?" I ask the owl aloud. She tilts her head and looks at me questioningly that makes me laugh. "I'm going to call you Snowy, is that okay?" Snowy seems happy with her name because she doesn't respond. "Silence is consent" I say to Snowy with satisfaction. Sighing, I let myself fall backwards on the bed. "Just a few more weeks and then we'll go to Hogwarts."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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