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"Nara? Nara?" Yuki tries to call Nara's name from earlier still silent.

"Oh. Yeah. Yuki, how?" Nara finally woke up from her daydream.

Yuki smiled at Nara. He patted Nara's head slowly. "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing. Sorry. What did you say?"

Nara asked slowly. She's afraid if Yuki gets angry because she doesn't listen to what Yuki has to say. Yuki don't know why Nara's mind hasn't been focused since 2 days ago. When she came home with Masa.

"It's okay. I'm just asking what you want to eat?"

"Emm, I'm going to eat at home. After all it's already 2 p.m., aren't you training at 4 p.m?" Nara looks at her watch and reminds Yuki.

"I still have time, I can accompany you first." Yuki replied with a smile. He also helped tidy up Nara's drawing papers lying on the café table.

That's what Yuki is like. He always had time for Nara. Nara is his priority after volleyball. Do you know how busy athletes are for training? Very busy. They have a very busy schedule. It's different with Yuki. He always uses his time off to accompany Nara, if there is a little time in the middle of training to open his phone, he always contacts Nara first. Either Nara should feel guilty or grateful to have Yuki by her side.

"Yuki, I don't want your training to be interrupted just because of me. You don't have to spend your time off to see me."

"You must be tired. I'm sorry," Nara said.

Yuki smiles at what Nara said. He patted Nara's head slowly again. "I never get tired or mind if it's for you, Nara. So never feel guilty. I'm also happy to be with you. Sorry, I've been too busy lately." Yuki explained.

You don't have to apologize, Yuki. Don't make me feel more guilty about you.


After driving Nara home, Yuki went straight to the training place. It turned out that everything had gathered. Yuki approaches Masa and Yuji who have warmed up. Yuki put down his bag and got ready.

"Wow, my mother said right. The aura of people after going on a date is very different. Look, he kept smiling. Watch out, your teeth can come off because you smile too much." Yuji teases Yuki. Masa just smiles at them.

"Did you meet Nara today?" asked Masa.

"Yes. I accompanied her to a design check that she had to present tomorrow. But..." Yuki did not continue his words. It makes Masa curious.

"But why?"

"I don't know, these two days she's like a lot of thoughts. She was often dreamy, unfocused, not even responding when I spoke. I'm feel sorry to see her like that." Yuki tells Masa while wearing his shoes.

"Emm. Did she tell you why?" Masa is a little worried. He was afraid that his words 2 days ago made Nara confused.

"Nara is not the type of person to always tell other people about her problems. She prefers to keep it to herself."

"You're right, she's like that." Masahiro said softly.

"Huh?" Yuki looked towards Masa.

"Aaa. I mean when I met Nara, she did look like that. The type of person you said before." Masahiro panicked.

"Oh. But Masa, aren't you her schoolmate? What's Nara like?" Yuki suddenly asks Masahiro a random question. Masahiro is confused as to how to answer it. If he said in detail, Yuki would be suspicious.

Status : Love 2 AcesWhere stories live. Discover now