[Guardian] - Thousand Years

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Shen Wei lowered his head. He knew that YunLan was angry with him. But if he had to do it again, he would do it again. Again. And again. And again. For him, it could not be otherwise. Saving her life could never be a bad decision, or something he would regret doing. And despite what the DES leader thought, it was worth it a thousand times over.

YunLan, on the other hand, was really mad. Yes, being blind for more than a week had been not only very restrictive, but also tiring, frustrating, and annoying. Of course he was happy to be able to see again, and to be able to resume his life as before. But Shen Wei's life was precious, and using part of his life to restore his sight... It was ridiculous! He could very well have found another way, later on. Something that didn't involve hurting anyone. And if he had to remain blind for life, then so be it!

Anyway, now there was nothing he could do about it, since it was irreversible. YunLan was officially cured, and the professor was officially the worst idiot that ever existed! (And since he is over 10,000 years old, that's an understatement).

Shen Wei had left the apartment as soon as the chief had discovered what he had done, leaving him alone with his thoughts. And those thoughts were not pretty.

- Why did he do that? You idiot. Moron. Dumbass. Fucking hell! I'm not worth it! When is he going to stop thinking I'm better than everyone else? When is he going to realize that I am not the person he thinks I am?

In rage, he kicked the bed, before falling on it. He bit his lip in frustration. Everything the professor had done for him lately... He just couldn't understand why he was doing all this. What did he see that was so extraordinary about him? What was so special, that the Ghost Slayer himself would take an interest in him, protect him, clean his apartment, cook for him, wash his underwear, work with him...

- Arghhhh !!!

YunLan leapt to the floor, walked to his door, which he opened with a bang, and crossed the hallway. His fist hung in the air, ready to knock on the teacher's door, he hesitated. He ran a hand through his hair, before turning around and going back to his apartment. At the moment, he was too upset to say anything constructive to her. Besides, Professor Shen might be one of the most powerful beings in this world and in the underworld, but he also needed some rest, especially after what he had just experienced.

YunLan fell into bed and looked up at the ceiling, seeing the image of his teacher dancing before him. He had been scared to death when he saw him in the kitchen, the knife on his wrist, so pale, looking so tired. He tried as best he could to sleep, in vain. He just walked around in circles in the apartment, looking at all the objects around him that were perfectly in their places, thanks to the teacher.

The next morning, YunLan had not slept, not eaten, and was in a foul mood. He left the apartment at the usual time. He stopped for a moment when he saw the professor in front of him, his small briefcase in his hand, his glasses on his right nose, waiting, his face completely inexpressive.

The chief made no comment, just walked on, knowing full well that he was being followed. The car ride was the coldest they had ever experienced. Since they knew each other, YunLan always had jokes to tell, being really serious only when they were on a mission.

Shen Wei was perfectly still, looking ahead, showing absolutely nothing. Yet, inside, the almighty Ghost Slayer was agonizing. He wanted to talk to her, to take her hand, to make amends in any way he could. It had taken him 10,000 years to find YunLan. Even in his wildest dreams he never imagined he would be able to be so close to him again, almost like in the past, when his YunLan was KunLun. Knowing that he was angry with him killed him, but he said nothing.

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