It's silence. Until he hears shuffling.
Then the door opens, slightly ajar.

And harry knows louis wants him to come in. What he doesn't know is why.
So with one look back at the others, he enters and closes the door behind him.

If the mere thought of louis being hurt broke his heart, he doesn't know what will happen to his heart now.

Now that there's that wonderful, kind, boy, sitting there, with tears still running down his cheeks, looking utterly broken, he wishes he could just pull louis as close to him as possible, and squeeze him until all his pieces were glued back together.

In another world, maybe he would've been allowed to do that, in this one, he's not. So he wordlessly sits down besides louis, and pulls his knees to his chest.

"Please don't ask." Louis rasps.
"I wont"
Then Harry's eyes travel to louis' face, even after crying for hours, he looks beautiful. Ethereal. Harry sometime doubts whether louis is real .

But then he sees them, as his eyes travel down, he sees those scars. Each cut at a distance from the other, blood dried.
Louis must've noticed, because he covers them instantly.

Harry doesn't say a word. Just lifts up his sleeve and removes his wrist bands, then puts his wrist, ever so sofltly on louis' knee. 

Louis sits straight. He looks at harry, then at his wrist. He gently lifts up Harry's wrist, with curiosity.
He can see very thin, faded lines, right there, on the delicate, pale skin. So skillfully put there as if they were a work of art, done by an artist, and bound with such emotion.

Louis takes a shaky breath.

"You don't need to hide from me louis. For the past few weeks that I've known you, though it feels like I've known you forever, i know this much, that even with your walls down, you are the strongest person i know. And every part of you is beautiful, even the ones that are a sign of weakness. Those ones are what makes you strong. And i know because i have them I've felt the struggle, the urge to do that to myself." Harry whispers, his eyes stuck on the place where louis' skin makes contact with his.

And that's all it takes the tears to make their way back to louis' face, except, this time, he's sobbing,louder, harder. The tears fall on Harry's wrist.

And harry doesn't think twice before engulfing louis in his arms. He knows he might regret that later, that louis might never come near him again. But he does it, still, and louis hold him for his life, his knuckles turning white from their strong hold on Harry's tshirt.

"I- i loved him so mu- ch why would he do this to me, what d-did i do harry? What did I do to deserve thi-this?" Louis' body rakes with sobs as he hiccups.

"Nothing lou, you did nothing wrong, you weren't wrong for loving him, he was wrong for doing that to you, and he paid for it by losing someone like you." Harry whispers sofltly as his cards his fingers through louis' hair. Has he ever mentioned how soft and smooth louis' hair is? Right, not now.

"I just-" louis stops, takes a deap breath, still holding onto harry.

"I was just 17 back then, he was 19. Perrie introduced us and he used to be amazing to me. We used to go out on dates all the time, sometimes Perrie and my sisters would tag along, he was so good to them" He continues, chuckling at the memory.

His smile vanishes as he thinks back on what happened. How he lost to love.

He pulls back and lays his head on Harry's shoulder, which somehow makes him feel safe enough to let harry in. For some reason, he has always wanted to let harry in, to let him know louis, his demons,his everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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