Oi Oii !

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so....Hey everyone!...This is like, the first book i've ever written, cos yk, i'm pretty shit at writing. 

-  Boyxboy(if you are uncomfy, pls dont read, and if you are a homophobic person, i'm disgusted, but whatevs, thats your opinion, dont read. :))

- Smut(Dont get your hopes up...cos i'm still not sure, in my 4 years of reading books with smut, i dont think i'll be able to write anything compared to the smut of unbelievers or books like that, cos ik the bar is set high, but i'll try my fucking best)

- mention of rape( i beg of you. please dont  hate, i'll put trigger warning, but its gonna happen only once )

-corse language(eh...i'm pretty sure you're all comfy with cuss words, cos yk, we worship louis fucking tomlinson and cuss words is all his vocab contains.but still :))

- if you wanna translate, do it, i mean, i dont think its gonna be that good, but like, u never know ;). No but srsly, do whatever you want with this story, i'm writing it to entertain people. 

- i dont own any of the characters duh

Thats it loves! Hope you enjoy. I wont be a typical person and ask you to vote or comment, but please vote and comment. The comments make my day better :)/\.

Love, Aashi

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