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"Have you gotten your assignment yet?"

The 501st barracks were quiet, most of her brothers either asleep or running some errand. Whiteout was sitting on the bunk across from her as she sharpened her knives and cleaned the 17's she could now use, courtesy of the promotion.

"Not yet. No clue who's in my squad. Not that there'd be a lot of people that would be happy about having me as a squad leader." She muttered listlessly. "I made some people pretty mad about the start of the Naboo incident."

"Mundi is hated by a lot of people, so I wouldn't take his threats too seriously." Whiteout shrugged. "And you have General Kriffing Windu to vouch for you. He's second to only Yoda himself."

Cav huffed, disassembling the 17's to check the power packs and clean some almost imaginary grime in them. They had belonged to Fives, but for as messy as his desk was he knew how to take care of a weapon. "The captain is in critical condition, he's been in bacta for three days now. The commander is in the psych ward until further notice, and there's talk of forced retirement for both, if not outright decommissioning for the captain. Not to mention I got Jesse killed and almost got Fives killed as well."

"You also rescued the Captain and Commander, not to mention General Skywalker and the buir-skragging Chancellor of all people." White pointed out, carefully detaching his prosthesis and rolling what was left of his shoulder, joints cracking at the movement. He gave a small sigh of relief. "For what it's worth, I'd gladly join your squad."

Cav was silent for a minute, and he looked over at her. Her head was down, her face hidden by a curtain of loose hair.

"Thanks, White." Her voice sounded small.

"If only for the publicity that comes with being under someone as famous as the only female clone."

Cav threw the nearest non weapon she could find at him, a nearby boot. Whiteout dodged easily, laughing. Cavalry glared at him.

"Jerk, I was actually kinda touched." Cav's voice was a little strained. Despite the teasing though, Whiteout had actually managed to cheer her up a bit.

She carefully reassembled her DC17's and placed them in the small locker by her bed. Kix would want to see her soon. And Fives, when he finished his work load dumped on him by being the new head of the 501st with the Captain being temporarily out of the picture.

"I'm guessing you have to go?" White asked. Cav shrugged.

"Kix wants to cram my brain with medical stuff. Better go to him before he seeks me out." She stood and stretched, taking a couple steps towards the barracks door. Whiteout slid off of his own bed quickly, reaching out to grab her by the wrist with his remaining hand.

"I... sorry." He dropped her wrist quickly. "I was serious, you know. About joining your squad." Whiteout stood up straight and took a deep breath. "Par meg bic b e'nr, ner kad cuyir gar."

Cavalry's eyes widened, her mouth opening a little before she shut it forcefully. The mando'a oath rang in her ears for a long moment.

"You don't mean that." She said at last, her voice barely above a whisper. "You can't mean that, Whiteout."

White's face flushed a little with embarrassment, the red staining his cheeks horribly obvious due to his pale skin. "As long as you'll take a damaged clone like me, I'd follow your orders to the letter."

Cavalry chewed her lip, willing her tears down for the second time that day. Whiteout's red face blanched.

"No no nonononono don't cry. I have no idea what to do when people cry-" He was cut off as Cavalry nearly tackled him with a hug.

When the Cavalry Comes.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora