(1) Practice

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"Alright, Girls! Coach is sick today, but she didn't want us to miss a day of practice because of it, so we'll be joining the boy's team for practice today.", Hina informed her teammates as they arrived in the gym where they usually practiced, "So, let's go, we don't want to disappoint their coach by being late."

The team followed her to the other gym and began to stretch and warm-up together.

"Are you excited to get to practice with Kita?", Emi whispered to y/n making her face turn a little red.

"Shut up!" y/n whisper yelled back.

After warm-ups were finished Coach Kurosu explained that their practice today would consist of matches starting with the girls team vs the boy's team, then mixing the teams to see how everyone will play.

The boy's team started the match with Atsumu serving and y/n was excited to get a chance to even attempt to receive one of his serves. Atsumu noticed how excited the libero was and decided he was going to give her a tricky ball to receive.  Unfortunately for y/n, the ball was harder to receive than she had anticipated and she sent it straight back to the boys instead of to Akari. Luckily y/n did a much better job receiving Ginjima's spike and Hina was able to get them a point.

As the match went on Atsumu started getting annoyed with how well y/n was able to receive every spike and serve his team sent. So as he went back to serve he decided to go for the strongest jump serve he could, unfortunately for him it was out. With that the girls one the first set.

(time skip to the end of the match)

While the boy's team had won the other two sets and the match, the girls were still proud of their first set since they hadn't expected to win any of the sets.

Coach Kurosu then mixed the teams to look like this:

Team one:

Team two:

The teams then took the court with team two serving first. Y/N received Aran's serve perfectly which amazed Atsumu partly because it was sent to him so perfectly that him and osamu's special attack didn't need to be adjusted for a new libero, but also because she looked so amazing during the receive. The match went amazingly well for team one, winning both sets.

After the match Atsumu decided to talk to y/n.

"Hey can I talk to you for a second?"


"Where did you learn to receive like that?"

"Oh. I started playing volleyball in elementary and did serving and receiving camps, so I just kept playing and now I guess I'm pretty good at it."

"You're definitely better than pretty good at receives, I've never seen anyone who has ever received that many serves so perfectly and even when working with a new team you were able to receive the ball at a perfect angle."

"Thanks, your sets are pretty amazing too."

"Of course it was, but thanks"

(Kind of time skip to in the locker room after practice)

"Hey y/n since when do stay after practice to talk to Atsumu? I thought you liked Kita?" Emi asked as y/n walked up to her locker.

"It's nothing he was just asking about my receives."

"If you say so."

"Shut up! Sure he was nice but his ego is too big also I'm not about to be a Miya twins fan girl."

"Alright sure."

"Shut up!"



I hope you like this so far, it's my first fanfic so if you have any thoughts let me know.
I based the practice off of something that happened to my middle school volleyball team.

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