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      1 week later

It's been a week since I last saw Bale, since Jared and I started dating and since my last encounter with Jade. She hasn't talked to me since the incident and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hurt. I know she hates me and probably blames me for everything that has happened in the past few weeks.

I try talking to her but she only glares at me and throws stuff and if I'm lucky, she yells. She doesn't eat much anymore, that I've noticed, and it's bothering me. I give Mae food to give her but she returns back with the dish still full. Her face is sunken, her ribs are protruding but not too much to fret. She looked sickly. Her blonde hair is dull in colour along with her eyes and she has a depressed look on her face.

"How was is? Did she eat it?" I asked Mae who held a tray in her hand that held Jade's breakfast.

"No. I tried begging her but she refused" Mae replied. She had a frown on her face and she looked tired, eyebags and all.

I sighed deeply and motioned for her to drop the tray on the isle. She did so and left.

Tyler's birthday is tomorrow and I wanted to bake him a cake but last time I checked, there were no ingredients. I really needed to head to the grocery store and fast.

I grabbed my phone and texted Jared.

Me: hey babe, could you pick me up? I need to get some stuff from the grocery store.

I put the phone and picked up a pen and paper and wrote down a list of what to buy. I got a message and instantly read it.

Jared❤️: sure thing love.

I smiled at the text and walked over to my room to grab some money and a jacket.

I opened the door to see Jade sitting on the bed with her back turned to me, staring out the window.

I walked into the room, not wanting to disturb her and opened the closet door. I pulled out my piggy bank and grabbed all the cash I had saved up. I gingerly counted it and it came to a grand total of $200. I took out the amount I needed and out the rest back. I grabbed one of Jared's hoodies and slipped it on and closed the closet door.

As I was about to walk out, Jade spoke up and I paused.



She turned to look at me and she looked worse than before. Her cheeks were sunken, there were evident eyebags along her eyes and her blue eyes were bulging.

She stood up and turned towards me. Her red shirt hung loosely over her now small frame and she shivered when the cool air blew in.

"I'm sorry".

I was taken aback by her confession but regained composure.

"For what?"

"For blaming you. I know it wasn't your fault but I somehow led myself to believe it. I yelled at you the other day and called you selfish but I was wrong. You're not selfish, in fact, you've done everything you could to make us happy and we will remain forever grateful. I love you April and I'm terribly sorry"

By now tears were streaming down her face and she looked at the carpet. My heart hurt and before I knew it, I was crying too and I spread my arms out towards her. She ran into my hold and pulled me against her, squeezing me. I patted her hair.

"It's okay Jade, It was my fault and you weren't wrong for acting the way you did. I am selfish, I realize that now and I'm also sorry. I love you"

She didn't say anything but only held me tighter and cried harder.

A loud honk brought us out of our moment and I pulled away. I wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her forehead. She smiled weakly at me as I did the same.

"I gotta go Jade. Take a shower and please eat something, okay?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded at me and I was out of the room within seconds.

I opened the front door and got into Jared's car. I pecked his soft lips and he chuckled a little.

"What's got you so happy?" He asked, a smile playing at his lips.

"Is it bad to be happy?" I asked, feigning anger.

"No, that's not what I meant, it's just that......."

"I'm only kidding Jared" I cut him off.

He sighed a breath of relief and I laughed.

"I'm happy today because........ Tyler's birthday is tomorrow and I wanna throw a surprise party for him and also because Jade and I made up!"

His eyes widened and he spared a glance at my smiling face before his eyes went back on the road.

"No way!" He squealed. "Finally!!!!! Whoooooo hooooooo" he yelled and I giggled.

We got to the grocery store little while later and walked in. I split the list with Jared and he was off finding party supplies while I went shopping for cake ingredients.

I was about to grab a pack of powdered sugar off the shelf when I saw a whiff of red hair pass by. Me, being the curious idiot I am decided to follow it. I rounded the corner to see mom standing there.

"Mom!" I squeaked

She turned and her green eyes locked on mine and her signature smile spread on her beautiful face.

"Sweetheart, how are you baby?" She hugged me and I hugged back.

"I'm good, just came by to get some stuff for the party, how are you holding up?" I asked

"Things are pretty good. I'm just waiting for y'all's arrival. I got all your rooms set up and it's just waiting to be occupied" she said.

We talked for a little while before she got a phone call from her boss and she had to run off.

I was at the check out counter when Jared appeared by my side and wrapped a protective arm round my waist. I looked up at him and smiled and he pecked my cheek which made me blush.

"That'll be 86.95" the cashier said.

Jared got out his wallet and I stopped him and handed the cashier a hundred dollar bill. She gave me the change and we were off to the car and to the house.

"Y'know I could have paid for that" Jared said.

"I know, but I didn't want you to spend money especially because you're not the one buying the stuff"  I said

"But it doesn't matter baby, I would do anything for you"  he said and I gushed.

I kissed is cheek and he continued driving.

AprilOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora