Because your legs betrayed you every time you wanted to leave the jet, you stayed behind. It was a bad feeling but you didn't want anyone to get in danger just because they might need to save you. Banner stayed in the jet as well, ready to take off or help, depending on the call of the Captain. "So... how's it being the babysitter of a loser?", you asked and heard him scoffing.
"Guess not even Hydra can change who you are", Banner said chuckling.
"What do you mean?"
"You're always too harsh to yourself. But I can imagine that Hydra used it for their benefit."
"Banner, Y/n, some soldiers are coming up your way. Be careful!", you heard Steve through your comm. You grabbed your weapon and hid in the corner, ready to put them down as soon as they'd come in. The door opened, but you couldn't see anyone.
"Einsam, Untergang, Verfolgung, Acht, Empathie, frei, Zehn, gewollt, Fall, Winter", someone said which was German for 'lonely, doom, tracking, eight, empathy, free, ten, wanted, fall, winter'. Your head bowed and you responded in German: "Ready to comply."
"Oh, no. Captain, we have a problem over here. Y/n is-", Banner told Steve through comm but stopped mid-sentence.
"Banner, you alright?", Steve asked.
"Not any longer", you answered for him. Banner held his hands next to his head with the palms facing you.
"Y/n, don't do anything wrong", Bruce said calmly, trying to reach you.
"Get in the air."
"Y/n, come on. You have to fight this!"
"Get this shit up in the air or I'm gonna shoot!", you yelled, not down for any games.
"What is your plan?"
"Now I guess I have a new one", you said and shot him. With a thud, he fell to the ground and didn't move anymore. "That was easy. I thought he couldn't die?", you asked yourself but shrugged and called your new team in. "Get him out of here! I don't want to clean this shit. He can bleed out somewhere else."
"Where should we put him?", a soldier of your team asked. You sighed annoyed.
"Do I look like I care? Just get him out of here." You waited until they were back again and flew to the Hydra airfield.

"Wonderful! You got her back!", a man said coming up to you with a big smile on his face. "So, tell me. Who are you? Who are you working for?"
"I am EQ8 and my loyalty belongs only to Hydra, Sir! Hail Hydra!", you replied.
"Hail, Hydra! That's my girl! I missed you, never leave again, understood?!"
"Yes, Sir."
He looked like a little boy who got the toy he always wanted. "Alright, EQ8, I have some work for you."

"Banner! Can you hear me?" He groaned but didn't answer. "Come on Banner, talk to me! What happened with 'the other guy'? Why didn't he protect you?"
"Y/n...", Bruce said strained.

"So, how do we get her back? Any ideas?", Natasha asked and looked around the table.
"Guess we just have to repeat our last idea", Tony replied.
"But what's next? Losing her again? We need a plan!", Natasha said a bit too loudly.
"I can train her but it won't be fun. She needs to be in as well", Bucky suggested.
"What do you mean?", Steve asked interested.
"Look, Banner said before they came in that they talked in German. Why would they say something in German? I think they programmed her like they used to do it with me. I overcame it, and so can she", Bucky explained and he saw a few of the team nodding their head.
"We could try. Or does anyone else have a better idea?", Steve asked. Everyone looked around but no one added anything.
"Alright, so let's get in, kidnap her, and try our best", Tony said rubbing his hands.
"When do we start?", Natasha asked eagerly.
"Tomorrow. Be ready to take off at 3 PM. I won't wait this time, so be there or stay home", Steve said firmly.

"Tell me what you know!"
"I don't know anything! I swear!", a man replied, raising his voice as well.
You were standing in the corner, watching your boss interrogate a middle-aged man in a suit. He was scared and sweaty.
"Then give us the password and code!", your boss demanded.
"I... I can't! They will kill me!"
"Oh, will they...? Too sad... EQ8, it's your turn."
You stepped forward, sat in front of the man, and stared at him. Your arms laid on the table, your palms touching it. He started to sweat more, his eyes wandering from you to your boss and back.
"Won't she say anything?", he asked but didn't get an answer. "I can't give you what you want, I'm sorry." You nodded and stood up, so he relaxed a little.
"I understand. But I think you don't", you said.
"What... do you mean?", he asked and became more nervous. You faced your boss, nodding at him for approval and he nodded back. He handed you a thin knife which you immediately threw with elegance at the sitting man. You didn't kill him, that wasn't the plan. But the knife had grazed him, leaving behind a bleeding wound on his cheek. Panicky he looked behind him where he could see the knife being stuck in the wall.
"You could have killed me!", he said furiously.
"But I didn't. Should I try again?" His eyes widened by your question.
"No! No! Please don't."
"Next time I won't miss, I promise", you said smiling slightly.
"So was it just a mistake?" You grinned. "Still, I can't tell you", the man said after a few more seconds.
You walked behind him and took the knife out of the wall. "Guess I'm gonna try again", you said sighing.
"I have a wife and children! Please don't do that! Don't you have anyone you love? Imagine losing them!", he tried but you just laughed.
"Poor man... he really doesn't know what's going on, does he?", you asked mockingly. Your boss grinned. "May I?"
"Try again one more time. Maybe he'll give us the chance to save him", your boss said.
"Alright. So, Mister X, it's your last chance or your kids and wife won't see you ever again." You held a knife to his cheek, cutting a few more wounds in it.
"Okay, okay!", he gave in, "The password is LisaAndJuly09 and the code is 48293752. Please let me go now!" You removed the knife and looked at your boss. He was satisfied, nodded, and left the room.
"Hail Hydra!", you whispered in the man's ear and cut his throat.

Y/N and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now