Part 12

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"And that's another win for you." An older Nishikata said as he sat in front of a young boy that looked like he did when he was younger. "Nicely done Eichi."

"Thanks, dad." He said with a bright smile.

"You know he probably let you win." Came the voice of a young girl. The two of them looked over to the kitchen to see a girl who looked a lot like Takagi, only with shorter hair, making food with a woman that looked like a much older Takagi. "There's no way you have such a large undefeated streak against dad."

"Hey, just because you can't win on your own doesn't mean I can't," Eichi said with a smile.

"Hey!" The girl shot back.

"Try to pay attention to what's in front of you Chi." The older woman began. "You don't want to accidentally cut off a finger." Chi pouted and turned back to what she was doing as her mother smiled. "And Eichi, don't tease your sister while she's helping me make dinner."

"Yeah, mom." He replied half-heartedly. "But she started it."

"That's why I told her to focus on what she's doing."

Eichi sighed and Nishikata smiled. "I know telling you to not tease someone isn't going to work, but you should at least try to make sure you don't go too far."

"I know dad." Eichi began looking at something behind Nishikata, and he didn't have to look to know that his daughter was smirking, nor did he have to be a psychic to know what was about to come. "Hey!" Eichi exclaimed towards his sister. "At least I'm good enough to get the 'watch how much you tease someone talk."

Nishikata turned around to see his daughter pouting again, then turned back to his son. "Eichi."

"Was that really too far?"

"No, but you should be extra careful around your sister."

"But she's the only person I tease."

"Really? There's no one at school who you've been teasing?" Nishikata asked with a slightly accusing tone.

Chi smirked again. "I heard from the grapevine that there's a girl in his homeroom that he teases quite a lot."

"CHI!" The boy exclaimed as he shot up.

"A girl, huh?" His mom asked.

Eichi blushed and Nishikata couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Well ... if you're so well informed then why don't you tell them about that boy you went on a date with."

Chi's face turned pale as her father turned to look at her with a look of suspicion. "A date?"

"IT WASN'T A DATE!" She exclaimed. "It was completely unromantic!"

"So then did you kiss him unromantically?" Eichi asked

"WE DIDN'T KISS!" Chi clenched her fists, before taking a deep breath, putting down her cutting utensils, and turning to her mother. "Mom, can I take care of something really quick?"

"So long as you don't run into the kitchen."

"Thanks." She began walking over to her father and brother, as Nishikata got up and began walking over to the kitchen.

"Dad?" Eichi asked.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

"Dad?!" He asked, sounding a little more concerned.

"Eichi," Chi stated as she stood before the slightly worried boy. "If you're going to tease me like that then ..." A mischievous smile formed on her face as Eichi's expression went from concerned to scared. "I don't really have a choice." Eichi tried to back away, but Chi quickly threw her arms around him and pulled him into a hug as she rubbed her cheek against his. "Then I'm just going to have to hug you."

On edgeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora