Part 8 (Very short chapter)

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The day was coming to an end, and Nishikata had already left, leaving Takagi to roam the school alone. 'He ignored me all day today, and it was rather obvious that he wasn't comfortable doing so. Guess I'll have to go through with my original idea after all.'

She doubled back and began looking. "Now let's see, which of his friends do I want to ask? Nakai would be the easiest, but according to Mano, he can be dense, and he might not know what's going on. There's that one with the glasses, but he might not be able to talk to girls that well, then again, there's the other half of that duo, Kimura, he's a nice guy and might know a thing or two ... him or Hamaguchi, one of those two."

She began thinking of where she could find either of them, until she eventually saw Hamaguchi, peeking around a corner, probably looking at Houjou. 'Why am I not surprised.' She walked up to him and waited until she got close. "Hey, Hamaguchi." She said, causing him to jump a little.

"Uh ... Takagi?" He said. "I ... I know this looks bad, but-"

"If she's busy then just go away and try again some other time. Also, that's not what I'm here for."

"I ... it's not?"

"No, I wanted to ask you if you know if something is up with Nishikata."

"Huh? He hasn't told me anything, did something happen?"

"He's been acting ... evasive ... about things ... when he really shouldn't."

"Well he hasn't told me anything, and I haven't noticed anything off myself."

Takagi sighed. 'So I am the source of his troubles.'

"Is everything okay?" He asked as he began to blush a little. "I mean ... I could ask for you."

"You don't have to for my sake, I was just worried." She bowed slightly. "Thanks anyway." She turned around and began walking away.

She continued walking, as she tried to piece together what it could be. 'Well, he's been having strange dreams about a girl, probably me, and I can guess it's probably us dating or something like that, is he just not emotionally ready yet? If that's the case, then I might be pushing things way too fast.' She thought about it some more then shook her head. 'No, Nishikata was the one pushing things forward for the past few days, but all the same ... I should try to just fix things right now.'

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