-Fired and a new friend-

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I wrote this when I was like......fourteen? I came across this in my documents while I was clearing up storage and though why not just release the unedited version for shits and giggles. So here it is! Four thousand- something words of my unfiltered and over imaginative adolescent brain. 


She sighed in defeat as she looked at the "Hiring" tag at the front of the coffee shop she worked at. It was the fifth time she was late for the month and it seemed as if the manager had enough of her. 

She threw her stuff into the backseat of her car and drove straight to her apartment. 

Now, when people think about apartments in Korea, they think of aesthetic places. The ones with chiffon curtains, fairy lights and what not but for her. 

In her case, it was a different scenario.

 One which was a little too divergent from what people think a 'house' should look like. 

Her apartment, even though the building's appearance being fabulous, was the total opposite. Contradicting the visions of a delusional tourist, her house; was a mess. 

 Or, in her words, "A beautiful masterpiece that only a creative person with the third eye can interpret." Plus, it wasn't as if she'd have someone visiting her place anyway. 

Being the classic example of a cliche loner she was. You could stalk her all day and would end up learning all the subway routes and food places in town. But, you wouldn't be able to find a single soul she talked to for more than 30 seconds in a normal conversation. 

Not that she hated people, though. People-ing just wasn't her thing. She simply found it a little too straining to have to carry out conversations over the burden of living a life. However, the fact that she loved her own company more than someone elses worried her sometimes. 

But, that worry was soon overcome. If, overcoming concerns was eating a bag of chips that is. 

Even so, contrasting but also complimenting her personality was her wardrobe, which lacked colour. Except for a few expensive blouses she took for job appointments. 

Being a university student, she didn't have time or the money to buy rich people things she knew she couldn't afford. 

At the moment. 

The future had riches for her. She knew it by the amount of hardworking she put into everything. She had a good life though. Living alone, trying to get through life by earning on her own and paying for her own things. Everything about a classic female lead but without the family issues. 

"As long as it's not drugs or you becoming a stripper then it's fine." Was what her mom always said. And listening to mama was one of her life's main motto's....with a few exceptions here and there.

 So here she was, Yoon "Rin" Chaerin, trying to get through life like the broke young adult she was. No matter how optimistic she tried to be, the fact that she lost three part time jobs in the span of two months did get to her. Studies and part time jobs back to back were exhausting. 

"Eh, I didn't like that nosy bastard anyway." Rin said to herself. 

The she immediately took hold of her laptop with an evil grin and wrote an email to the owner of the cafe opposite to where she worked. Or at least where she used to work. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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