Chapter 1

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My name is Sam and I'm 12 years old. I'm going to my aunt's house because my mom and dad are going to another country.

( In the morning )

Mother: Son, breakfast is ready .

I answered: I'm coming mom .

I went down the stairs and entered the kitchen, I saw my mother serving me breakfast and my father eating his food, I say good morning to my father and my mother and return my greetings with a smile .

I sit at the table and start eating my breakfast which is milk with cereal .

After finishing breakfast, my parents and I put our luggage in the car to go to the aunt's house, and then they will go to the airport to travel .

When I got to my aunt's house, she was waiting for me at the door. I got out of the car with my belongings and my parents said goodbye to me and my aunt.


unt: Sam, you're welcome. Nice to see you .

Me: Hello Aunty, I am also glad to see you .

Aunt: Come on, your room is the first room you see when you go up the stairs .

I go upstairs to my room, put my clothes in the closet, put my computer on the desk, take off my shoes and put them in the closet to be more comfortable, and then I go down to talk to my aunt .

We talked all day, and when it was time for bed, my aunt made dinner for me, which was very tasty, I eat dinner, and I say goodnight to my aunt as I go to my room to sleep .

I take off all my clothes, because it is more comfortable to sleep without clothes, lie down in bed and fall asleep almost immediately.”

The next day, I got up from the bed and got dressed to go to the dining room, where my aunt was sitting to have breakfast, I sit down to eat my breakfast, I saw my aunt feeling sad, and I ask her "What makes her sad?"

Aunt: Although I'm glad you're here, I really miss, the need to take care of a child .

At that moment I had to think for a while, and I said: Auntie, I can be your child if you want .

In that moment I told her I would be her baby to make her feel happy and I thought everything would be fine .

Aunt: Really?

She asks me with a smile on his face, and I replied, "Sure, my aunt."

At that moment she was so happy and told me .

Aunt: Then I'll go buy some things, and I'll be right back .

At that moment my aunt left the house quickly and I didn't have time to answer her, and I didn't think about it much, while I was waiting for her I started watching TV .

When I arrived my aunt came with a lot of bags and told me .

Auntie said: Baby, help me with the bags, please .

At that moment I immediately helped her carry the bags and in one of them was a pile of nappies packages and disposable pacifiers, at the time I didn't think she would really treat me like a baby.

I asked: Aunt, why are there so many diapers in this bag?

Aunt: You told me that you would be my child .

I said: But Auntie, I didn't think so .

When I said that I noticed that my aunt was sad and would start crying to avoid it I told her :

I'll be your baby, but don't cry aunty .

She was so happy again, she took me by the hand, took me with one of the bags and took me to her room, when we entered her room, I started to take off all my clothes and left, first I took off my shirt and then my socks and then my pants and when I was about to take off my underwear I stopped her .

I said: Aunty, I am so ashamed that you see me naked .

Aunt: No need to be ashamed, for now you will be my child, and I will dress you, bathe you, and change your diaper .

After thinking about it, I let her take off my underwear .

Aunt: This is how you look like a real baby .

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