Chapter 5

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The days went by and Draco still had yet to apologize. Granted I wasn't exactly around him that often, too infuriated about what happened the other night.

Theo and I got to hang out more since apparently he was avoiding Draco as well. Pansy also came to tell me during charms, that she didn't know Draco was having me over and was sorry. Something I didn't expect but was happy about.

It was a few nights later when Theo and I were studying in the common room for an astronomy essay that Draco walked up to us. "Granger."

I'll be damned if he thinks he can speak to me just using my last name after what he did. So, I ignored him and continued my work. "Granger?" Nope. He's not there. I'm ignoring him.

Draco rolled his eyes and mumbled "bloody hell - Kiana!" I looked up from my book and smiled, "yes?" He stiffened and cleared his throat- "can I speak with you?"

I really didn't want to hear what he had to say so i told him "no. I'm busy" and went back to working on the essay. He scoffed, "later then?!" I was getting frustrated and fed up thinking about what sorry excuse he was going to give or if he was going to embarrass me again. "What? Your dorm 7? I've heard that one before. No thank you Malfoy."

I could tell he was about to explode and give up trying. Theo nudged me a little - "listen to him Kiana.."

I was in shock that he was seriously suggesting that I listen to this twat. But nonetheless I sighed and turned to Draco. "Fine. MY dorm 7. Don't be late." He nodded and left before Theo nudged me yet again with a dopey smile on his face. "You listened to me"

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "don't get used to it. If this goes south I get to blame you now." He simply chuckled and we both went back to work before retreating to our separate dorms.

I had just finished my shower and threw on some pj's before grabbing a book to read when someone knocked on the door. "Come in?" two words I regretted right after I saw who walked through the door.

"Granger." I rolled my eyes but played along before putting my book down "Malfoy." He started rambling about random shit before I cut him off and told him to get to the point or take a seat.

He looked me up and down "I just wanted to say sorry you walked in on Pansy and I having a moment." How does this boy go through 19 years of his life and still not know how to apologize?! "Right Malfoy because it was an accident. Just be honest you set me up to look like a fool."

He didn't have anything to say but I could tell he was still upset. "What Malfoy?" he hesitated a little before asking "Why did you get high? And go to Nott of all people?!" Are you fucking serious right now?! I wonder why-

A devilish smirk grew on my face, "jealous?" He stepped back, "Hardly. It's pathetic." I was completly done with his bullshit at this point and rolled my eyes grabbing my book- "so is this apology-"

He uttered a low unbelieving chuckle before stepping forward "what?!" I didn't even look up at him knowing if i did i'd snap at the insufferable blonde. "Did I stutter Malfoy?"

It was quite for a moment before he spoke, "fine. I'm sorry for the other night. Happy?" I smiled still staring at my book "yes." He rolled his eyes before heading for the door "whatever."

I was shocked he actually apologized but was happy he did. Without looking up from my book i'd figure i'd take a risk and see where things stand between us. "See you around Draco."

He did a double take, and looked back at me analyzing and trying to figure out any and every reason why i'd utter his name. Then, he nodded and I swear to merlin I saw the corner of his mouth turn up. "Kiana-" and with that he was gone.

What happens now? Friends with Draco? Probably not, but i'm enjoying this nice act. We'll see how long it lasts.

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