Chapter 4

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The next day I woke up with a slight headache and took the hangover potion that Blaise had given to me the night before. He really is a gentleman. Theo as well, he was such a goofball last night with the comments about- HOLY SHIT. The comments about Draco and I. 

How would he react today after everything that happened last night? I quickly got dressed and threw on my clothes before heading to potions. I sat next to Hermione in class and took out my books and started getting to work. We were still in the first few days of classes so it wasn't anything major mostly just busy work. 

Hermione and I were at work when a note hit my desk blocking me from writing about some stupid potion Snape had assigned. I turned to see where the paper came from and saw Theo mouthing for me to open it. Hermione was also curious and turned her head to me "what are you doing talking to them? AND passing notes?!" 

"It's not a crime to pass notes Mione and they're my friends thank you very much." She scoffed and shook her head going back to work. I opened the note "you suck at wizard's chess" with a kissy face and a heart. I quickly snapped my head back toward the brunette. 

"Theo what the actual fuck?! I beat you." Theo was quick to stand up and inform the whole class- "YOU CHEATED!" Snape simply gave Theo a look of warning and he was quick to sit down before whispering "you cheated." Blaise gave a low laugh "Nott, she couldn't have cheated. Blondie over here set up an anti cheating charm the first time Granger beat him." 

Draco gave Blaise a death glare, "she did cheat." "Granger's don't cheat unlike some!" Hermione snapped. My mouth dropped "Mione, what the fuc-" she cut me off before I could finish. "The boys and I are studying tonight. I want you to come." 

I nodded and started to agree before Draco's voice cut me off- "Actually Granger, she has plans with me tonight" with a raise of his brows he continued, "rematch." Blaise was the first to say something. "You? And Granger?" he simply shook his head and laughed. 

I turned to the blonde with shock written all over my face, "When have we EVER gotten along?" He narrowed his eyes, "my dorm 7. Don't be late." I was only able to nod before turning to Theo and Blaise with a look for help. Blaise clearly didn't know anything and Theo being the annoying twat he is, started pretending to make out with himself before Pansy slapped him upside the head. 

What the fuck was I about to go into?

That night I was getting ready at my dorm as the clock ticked closer and closer to 7 o clock. What the fuck did he have planned? I finished getting ready and left my dorm a few minutes early remembering how Blaise told me that Draco is very adamant about time and hates being late. As I walked over to the boys dorm, the pit in my stomach grew more and more. 

I got to his dorm and knocked to which I was met with no answer. I was growing frustrated and opened the door to see no other than Pansy and Draco making out on his bed. What. the. actual. fuck. I was upset and annoyed that he clearly only invited me over to embarrass me and make me upset. 

As I was going back to my dorm I bumped into Luna. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry- Luna?" I was shocked that she was here seeing as she's Ravenclaw and someone I would never expect to see in the common room. "Kiana is it? You're Hermione's sister? My goodness you both are always so stressed it's radiating off of you." I didn't know how to feel about her comment but brushed it off and asked her instead why she was there. "Just giving people their supply for the month." 

Holy shit. Luna is the Slytherin drug dealer. That is something I never would've expected. "Do you want some? We can sit down and talk I can see you're clearly stressed about something." Ah Luna you have no idea how badly I needed you. I smiled and nodded and we went to sit on the couch before smoking more than I can remember. 

Now I could see why the Slytherins went to her. I had never taken anything quite as strong as Luna's stuff. Theo came out of what literally seemed like nowhere and walked into the common room "Aye! Who's got Luna's shit and isn't shar- GRANGER?!" Theo quickly walked over to me. "Merlin Kiana, you're high as shit." 

No really Theo I had no idea. I could do nothing but laugh, too intoxicated to comprehend anything. "What happened to your rematch with Malfoy?" I turned to Theo and informed him that Draco and Pansy had other plans. He clearly knew what I meant and grabbed my hand. "Thank you Luna, I'll make sure she gets back to her dorm safely." Luna just smiled and nodded and left. 

On the way back to my dorm we ran into none other than Draco. He saw us walking back to my dorm and stopped us, asking where we were going and why I didn't show. "You know damn fucking well she did. You're never late Malfoy. Where the fuck was Blaise?- you know what? I don't care. I'm taking her back to her dorm you can leave." Draco's eyes darkened before scanning over me. "What the fuck?! Nott did you get her fucking high?!" 

Theo was quick to snap at him- "You think im fucking stupid? Just go back to your dorm. I'll stay with her until she sleeps." Draco stepped up to Theo, "you're not fucking sleeping in her-" I cut both of them off before either could finish. "Ok I really don't care and I just want to go to bed so, goodnight boys." As I was walking off I could hear Theo telling Draco that he had to apologize to me before he told Blaise. 

Draco apologizing?! and to a Granger?! I'll believe it when I see it. 

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