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As a child, your mother always read out legends for you. About vampires and werewolves. They became your favorite ones. You always asked her to read them for you. But little did you know one thing.

The legends were true.

Born as a vampire, you were raised in a clan. Your parents clan, to be exact. You had an older brother who taught you the basic things and always played around with you happily.

Till your parents died.

You were 16 when it happened. Nobody knew who murdered them but your brother believed the wolves did it and so he told everyone about it.

With this happening, your brother turned cold. Towards everyone. He stopped playing with you. Instead, the took the lead of the clan and got overprotective. He trained you every day, making you fight and fast like nearly no one else. You were allowed to go out together with your friends, but there was one forbidden thing.

Don't get into the near of werewolves.

You had parted districts and your brother watched carefully over them. Getting in the vampire district as a werewolve would mean to get killed right away.

Sometimes, your brother had to interact with them , but he hated it. And you didn't know why. For sure, vampires and werewolves were enemies in the old legends but as the name said. Legends.

Every clan member hated the wolves. But you didn't. You wanted to see them. You wanted to interact. But for sure they hated vampires and were watching over your district very carefully, just as your brother did.

2 years later, a few months before your 19th birthday, three of your members got killed. Those, who were watching over the edge of your district.

Your brother got furious, thinking the wolves killed them. He held a speech, wanting his clan to fight against them. But you didn't believe it. You just prepared yourself to go in the morning.

Staring at the moon with your friends, you heard the Wolves howling. You thought about how it would went tomorrow.

You were excited.

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