where it's all starts

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      Its all starts when izuku stand against his ex-bestfriend katsuki bakugo defending a kid who is bullied by katsuki.

Izuku: stop it kaachan bullying others because they have week quirk is wrong

Katsuki: huh? Deku? What you say? Get out of my way or I'm gonna beat you instead of him.

Izuku: if-if y-you don't stop I'll stop you myself kaachan.

   Katsuki and his two lackeys who are called as wings and fingers by katsuki starts to laugh.

Katsuki: so you want to playhero Deku, then let me show you why you never stand against me.

       With that katsuki and his lackeys start to beat izuku using their quirk while the boy izuku defending runs away without second thought.

       After the beating katsuki and his lackeys leave izuku on the ground with buries and first digree burns.

     Izuku so week to stand up just staring at the sky. When did his happy  life becomes like this?, Ah yes from the day he diagnosed as quirkless. All his friend has turn their backs on him even his best friend katsuki, and starts to bully him, even the kid he just defend.

    The reason why izuku defend the kid who bullies him is simple he was natural born hero without powers, he always want to be a hero even if it seems impossible now that he don't have a quirk. But he can't just stand there watching someone getting hurt. He always trys to save them even if he has to sacrifice himself.

      As izuku staring at the clouds above him a Shadow castover him, when he sees who it is izuku sees a old man in his late 50's watching him.

      After helping izuku the old man takes him to a nearby table and sit-down and petted the space besides him indicating izuku to sit down.

Old man: so what's your name young man

    Even though he's old his voice says that he's a powerful man making izuku nervous.

Izuku: izuku midoriya sir

Old man: hmm. Say Young man I watch you stand up for a kid who just left you to beat up and run away, is he your friend.

Izuku: n-no sir he's actually one of my bullies

Old man: then why are you defending him risking your own safety.

Izuku: i-i don't know maybe it's because I don't stand by watching someone hurting, its like whenever someone is in trouble my body move on it's own to help them.

Old man: tell me boy do you want to become a hero when you grow up?


   Izuku shouts loud but suddenly his lower his head in sadness remembering that hes quirkless.

Izuku: but that's impossible to achieve to me.

Old man: and why is that.

Izuku: because i-im quirkless.

Old man: so?

Izuku: huh?

Old man: your quirkless so what? Its not impossible to be a hero without a quirk

Izuku : b-but everyone tells me that it's impossible to become a hero without a quirk.

Old man: yeah it's impossible. If you not prepared. Tell me young man do you want to be a hero  even if it's kill you.

Izuku: yes I still want to be a hero and save people if it's get me killed. Even it's only for a day.

    The old man watches the determination of izuku when he speaks and smiles.

Old man: excellent young man now listen to me you izuku midoriya is going to be a great hero the world ever sees and I'm gonna help you achieve your dream.

   After listening that someone saying that he can be a hero and helps him to become one, izuku starts to cry tears of joy and thanked the old man.

Izuku: thank you sir this is the word I want to hear from someone,

Old man: it's nothing young man but I must say you have a big disadvantage compare to other kids, so for you to stand in same level with them you have to do a harsh training but I'm going to put you in a training which feels like hell so you will surpass the other, but be aware the training I'm talking about it's literally a hell do you want to do it.

Izuku:* determined* yes I will do it to save others I will do anything.

Old man: that's the answer I'm looking for, without hesitation here take this card and come to this address tomorrow afternoon with your parents.

      The old man says as he gives izuku   a card and starts to leave the park, when suddenly izuku call him


   The old man smiles and says

Korechi : korechi korugi from today onwards your going to address me as sensei.

     With that korechi leaves leaving a very happy and determine izuku

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