She scanned the information on the screens, before smirking slightly. "How many times did you practice that in your mirror?"

His features contorted into anger. "Elias—"

"Now, tell me your real first action, not this 'save the turtles' bullshit."

That elicited a growl from his throat. He tapped his watch again and the screens shifted.

"I want Gotham."

She glanced at the maps of the city behind him, shifting her weight in her seat. "Well, now you've got my attention."

"Gotham is one of the biggest producers of technology in the world between you and Wayne," he explained. "There's a lot of potential— plus, people love to see the classic 'shithole revamped into shining Metropolitan playground' trope."

He raised his hand and brought another screen forth, showing news articles of the corruption in Gotham. "Our government constantly mishandles the city and people are angry— they've been angry for years. The extreme unpopularity of the current administration's botch-job with Gotham politics will only result in more positive numbers for me in the polls."

Meredith knew where he was heading. "And you want me to be seen working with you because—"

"—Because who is the one person who's always been at the forefront of the push to better Gotham City? Why, it's none other than their very own princess who, not to mention, is also incredibly popular in the media right now for partnering with the world's most beloved roster of heroes."

She slowly picked up her mug, drumming her fingers on the side. "You think the people trust me."

"Are you telling me they don't?"

Meredith was silent.

With another tap of his watch, the screens disappeared. "As I told you weeks ago, Elias, we both benefit from being seen publicly together. My numbers go up in the polls, and you finally get to save your precious city. And now, as an added bonus, we both get to ruin that dunce Wayne, because—" He paused to laugh. "Let's be honest, Meredith. It's been a long time coming. He doesn't deserve or use his power as we do."

Images of Batman saving innocent people from burning buildings and fighting supervillains flashed behind her eyes.

Meredith sipped her drink. "Right." She set it down and stood out of her chair, clasping her hands in front of her. "Well then, with that settled, let me tell you what I think we should do about said dunce."

Lex gave her one of his rare grins— the grin he used when officiating a business deal— a grin she wished he didn't use on her ever again.

"But the conditions of our... alliance—" She inwardly shuddered. "—Are on my terms. Not yours."

His grin fell.

"You need me more than I need you, Luthor. So we do this my way or we don't do it at all."

It was very rare that Meredith Elias got to watch Lex Luthor cave into her instructions, so she doubted anyone could blame her when she slightly relished in the feeling.

His stare was void and cold. He finally rolled those nearly lime green eyes. "Very well."

"You want to forge the deeds to the land that Bruce owns in your name, correct?"

"Assuming you sign yours over to me as well, giving me full control of the city, yes. The problem that is Gotham City, unfortunately, cannot be fixed by mere Congress policy-making. Of course, that's what we'll make it look like to the public, but in order to truly get to the root of the corruption, we'll have to handle it behind the scenes."

Poker Face | Bruce WayneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora