6: Deceived

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The mind is a great thing. It's probably the smartest thing to exist. It can deceive you, which it usually does. It captures you when you're most funerable. Which is what the minds of the three teenagers did to them. The three of them had been deceived and it was going to be the death of them. 

Right now, they were on a suicide mission, not knowing they would get themselves killed. They should've realised that, but they were too caught up in getting the creature, what they called a ghost. It wasn't a ghost of course, but it would haunt them ever since they saw it. 

Without that thought in their head, they opened the doors to the building. Bursting through them quietly, guns in hands and salt in bags, looking like some kind of ghostbusters, they entered. Walking slowly, closer to their death, they walked past the room that had never escaped their minds. The room in which their friend Adora had declared to them she was hurt, and dying. 

With a twinge of pain in their chests, they walk past. And they keep walking. Until they stop. Every muscle in their bodies tenced at the ear piercing sound coming from behind them. It doesn't sound describable. It's high, but low. It's like a millions different sounds through each other for just one split second. The fear that made the group pause, took them by surprise, stopping them in their tracks and keeping them there. 

They exchanged a brief look, with an unknown expression, but they somehow knew what it meant. The three of them turned around when they heard something approach, fast. Their bodies turned but Amell was taken down. He fell to the ground with a scream, ringing through Jensen and Sydney's ears as they looked over and saw the creature on top of him. His two friends yell his name in fear and shock as it started to feast at his chest, earning screams and groans of pain from the helpless boy. 

Not knowing what to do, and desperatly wanting her friend alive, Syd screams at the creature, "Hey!" Forgetting about the salt- as if it would've helped- Jensen shoots at the creature as it looks up and charges at the girl. It turns its head, facing the boy now, unbothered by the shot. Sydney screams as it turns its direction towards the boy. Being shot by the girl multipule times, it appears the creature is not harmed or in any pain, as it tackles Jensen to the ground and the boy screams in pain as the creature scratches his chest, ripping his shirt in the process. 

Sydney looks at Amell quickly, knowing she can't help both her friends at the same time. Amell gives her a look, "It's okay, Syd. Shoot me." he speaks, loud enough for Sydney to hear over the screams of the other boy. Sydney shoots at the creatures head, making it look around quickly before continuing to deform Jensen. "Come on, Syd! You can't save everyone! It's better to put me out of my misery!" Amell screams in pain and desperation. 

Knowing he's right, Sydney raises her gun, pointing it at Amell with a pain in her chest, "I'm so sorry Amell." she whispers, before closing her eyes and shooting him, flincing at the loud sound. With tears spilling from her brown eyes, landing on her pecan brown skin, she opens her eyes and turns her head toward Jensen, trying not to think about what she just did. Without any clear thoughts, she screams at the creature, grabbing its attention. She'd rather die than let her only friend left, die. 

The creature turns and runs towards the girl. It scratches her, and bites her, tearing open her stomach. Screams of pain escape her lips, as tears run down her cheeks. Jensen gathers the last of his power, grabbing the shotgun he brought with him, and aiming at the creature. His hand almost slips as he unintentially covers the gun in his blood. Spitting out the thick red liquid, he puts his finger on the trigger and shoots all the bullets straight at the creatures head. It makes the sound again, like when it opens its mouth, all the people burning in hell scream at once. The ghost runs off, as Jensen lets the gun slip out of his hands. 

With painful breaths, he turns to Sydney, who is laying on the ground, her hands aside her head, her organs out of place, and on the ground. "I'm sorry," Sydney breathes out, and Jensen smiles at her apologetically, "for everything." The boy nods, letting her know it's okay, before closing his eyes and letting his life slip out of his hands. 

Sydney's mind has won. She wasn't able to defeat it. She couldn't shut it off or ignore it like she usually does. Her mind has won, and she went down. Dying, drowning in blood, pain and thoughts. A voice in the back of her mind, telling her, that this is what happens. This is what happens when you can't defeat your mind. It finds a way to kill you. 

Sydney turns to look at the ceiling, knowing it's her time. One last tears slips down her face as she stares numbly, "I'm sorry."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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