The studio was gloomy, especially so early in the morning. Zool stands around impatiently as the production team sets up for the day. Haruka spots a cameraman adjusting a lens when his hat falls off, revealing the deep red of two small horns. He quickly covers it up in shame, nearly meeting Haruka's eyes, but he quickly looks away, pretending it never happened.

It wasn't rare. For both demons and angels to mask their appearances and shape into something else entirely. Demons could masquerade as humans if it meant for an easier life.

Haruka could sense Tenn's presence coming down the hall, even before he'd seen him.

The studio was filled with tired producers and crew, but when Tenn entered, their faces filled with delight and glee. As if the presence of an angel was all they needed to brighten up their day.

"Good morning," Tenn greets with a charming tilt of his head. He walks over to Zool, Gaku and Ryuu trailing right behind him. "I'm looking forward to working with you today."

Haruka can already feel a headache coming on.

"Same here," Haruka forces, feeling somewhat threatened by Tenn's dainty white wings and halo.

Tenn gets reeled into a conversation with his other two members, a back and forth that lasts a while, perhaps about the show. Haruka drowns them out, walking away, refusing to be in their presence by choice. It would be about an hour until filming actually began, but Haruka wished they'd start sooner so he didn't have to be around Tenn any longer than he had to.

As he wanders the halls, he passes a room, Trigger's dressing room.

But, he wasn't going to do it. He wasn't going to step inside and look around just for the sake of it. Just to find something, anything that could prove that Tenn wasn't the person he was trying so hard to be. Yet here he was, in the dressing room, closing the door behind himself quietly, trying to be as inconspicuous as he possibly could.

Haruka dug through Tenn's personal items, looking through his phone, checking every nook and cranny, skimming the mirror and all the bags, and yet, nothing. Even after twenty full minutes, Haruka continued to try, nearly forgetting that this was nowhere near okay. Almost forgetting that he was on a time limit.

Well, he would have forgotten had the door not opened. Haruka, with hardly a second to think, hides behind the couch, covering his mouth with his hands. Various footsteps enter the room before it shuts.

Haruka easily recognizes the voices as the Trigger trio.

"Zool's quite the lively bunch, aren't they?" Ryuu says, starting up a conversation.

"If by lively you mean rude, then I'd say you're right," Tenn says, seemingly exhausted.

"Hey, their other center wasn't there just now, was he?" Gaku points out. He leans on the wall, snapping his fingers as if trying to remember something. "What was his name again?"

Haruka isn't sure whether he should be grateful that the Yaotome Gaku had noticed his absence or be offended that the same person had also forgotten his name.

"Isumi Haruka," Tenn replies in that tone of his, sending a shiver down Haruka's spine.

"Right, right," Gaku says, nodding. "He wasn't with the rest of them."

"Maybe he had school," Ryuu suggests. "He's only 17, right?"

"Correct," Tenn says. "Except it's Saturday, and we just saw him."

Haruka has to quickly stifle a laugh, pressing his lips together tightly. He listens to the rest of the conversation from behind the couch, waiting for them to leave. But, the wait is endless even as the three talk and unwind in the room. Haruka is almost bored out of his mind, that is until he hears something that sparks his interest.

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