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[Jessica's POV]

"Turn around, sweetheart..."

I turned, as the voice said, to meet a pair of stone blue eyes paired with dirty blonde hair.

"You are definitely not the butler...", I said, laughing sheepishly.

"He is not. Meet Jonathan, my newest intern.", Mr Masters exclaimed.

"Follow me, I'll show you up to your room. And your baggage is already up in your room.", Jonathan said.


I slammed my pen on my table and I pushed my baby hairs back. This gained Deni's attention as she flew to my shoulder.

"I have no mood for this.", I muttered.

Deni shifted her position from my shoulder to my table, sitting comfortably on my calculator.

I swivelled my chair away from my table, facing the rest of my unnecessarily large room. My gaze landed briefly on my phone that lazed on my bed before shifting to the ceiling.

"Will seeing a certain someone make you feel better?", Sarren asked as she flew to my eye level.

"You know it will make you feel better.", Deni added.

I mused over Sarren's suggestion, pursing my lips. Having made my decision, I leapt out of my chair and jumped onto my bed. I unlocked my phone and immediately opened my text with Chat. We promised each other that we would save our numbers in our phones. This would not give away anything about our identities as our superhero numbers and our numbers as our civilian form are different.

(Chat Noir's chat)

Me: Hey, want to meet at the Eiffel Tower?

I locked my phone, cutting off the satisfying chime to let me know that the message has been sent. I rolled over and laid on my back, anticipating his reply.

My phone chimed almost immediately. With a smile on my face, I unlocked my phone to receive a new notification from Chat.

Chat Noir: Sure. Be there in 15.

Although I was glad that Chat did not refuse, it was quite unusual for Chat to send anything without a pun or a flirt. A part of me remained clinging on this topic as I got off my bed.

"This is going to be so fun! Deni, fangs out!"

I transformed and let the miraculous magic change my clothes and I leapt out of my room.

I flew towards the Eiffel Tower, slowly allowing the cool night breeze to caress my face, knowing I was early. As I neared the tower, I slowed down and landed softly on my feet.

I was on the top floor of the tower and I saw a black figure crouched down on the floor. Pointy triangular-shaped objects stuck out of the figure. The only sign to show that the 'object' was alive was its tail that was swishing from left to right.


Without turning around, Chat softly spoke, "Come, sit".

Feeling unsettled by his unusual calmness, I hesitated to near him.

"Come on, sit, I won't bite you.", he said with a low chuckle.

I forced myself to walk towards the figure and sit beside him. I immediately felt Chat's tail being partially wrapped around my waist.

"Isn't the moon pretty at night?", Chat asked, with a pure sense of serenity.

His serenity brought fear and anxiety to my heart as I asked, "The moon?".

It brought me back to a paler version of the Chat I knew. I looked down to him, just to make sure he was wearing his usual black suit.

"Sure, it's lovely.", I replied after calming myself down.

He then opted to sit still for a while. Then, Chat scooted behind and my gaze followed him to know what he was doing. He moved behind me and wrapped his arms around me after removing his tail from its previous position. He rested his head on my shoulder, not reverting his gaze from the magnificent moon.

Suddenly, his baton rang and he picked it up.

"What?", he asked in pure annoyance, possibly mad that his peaceful night was ruined.

Covering the baton with his hand, he stated, "It's Ladybug! She's asking if I'm alone."

"Tell her you are alone. I'll leave.", I said with a reassuring smile.

Deep down, I was sad that my time with Chat tonight was over. His comfortable warmth had left my body.

He held my hands firmly.

"Stay. I can meet Ladybug another day."

I released my hands from his grip and patted them lightly.

"We will pick this up tomorrow, same place, same time."

He nodded slightly and waved to me weakly. I used my hands to curve his lips upwards.

"Smile a little, it will do your day good."

His lips curled into a wide grin as I removed my hands.

I brought my right hand up to the side of my forehead, pivoted my hand about my wrist and gave him a lazy salute.

To be honest, I was slightly intrigued about why Ladybug only wanted to talk to Chat. I know it was wrong but I decided to do it: I pretended to fly off, but I made a U-turn and returned back to the tower. This time, I clung onto the sidewalls of the giant lattice structure such that I could see what was happening at the tower.

From a distance, I saw a spotted figure swinging towards the tower.

"Ladybug, what did you want to tell me?"

I almost sensed a hint of annoyance in his voice as he 'greeted' Ladybug.

"I realised I have been doing something wrong this whole time."

"What is that?", Chat asked, with both of his cat ears perked up.

"I have kept you in the dark for a long time.", Ladybug started and I saw Chat's face soften. "So that's why I wanted to see you as soon as possible...alone."

I watched carefully as Ladybug continued to stare intently at Chat.


Nevertheless, I still continued to watch the duo as they stood awfully close on top of the tower.

"So, tell me, what do you want to know?", Ladybug questioned as she plopped down on the floor. She tapped the space beside her, motioning for Chat to sit with her.

Wait, is it just me or is this extremely weird and highly unlikely for Ladybug to behave in this way in front of anyone?

Just as Chat opened his mouth to start asking questions, Ladybug stood up and started walking away from him.

Wait a minute, she wasn't walking away from Chat, she was walking towards me!

With a menacing growl and a smirk on her face, she was marching towards me. I started panicking as I tried to come up with a plan to get out of this situation.

I quickly jumped to the second level of the tower and hid behind one of the structures holding up the building. To my surprise, Ladybug followed me directly to my hiding spot and pulled me out.

With a swift kick to my stomach, she sent me sprawling to the other side of the level.

"Ladybug, why are you attacking me? Have you lost your mind?"

I tried to get up, resisting the sharp pain in my lower abdomen.

Without a reply, Ladybug came back for round two of the fight. Something was wrong but I don't know what.

"Happy to jump in, Drac!", I heard a voice pipe out from behind me.

"No time to chat. Any ideas?"

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