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Jordans pov

Man I can't believe it's already time for the episode that Zane finds out he is a robot whoo boy I can't wait for this. Anyways here we are Zane is currently underwater holding his breath so see how long he can go. Right now he has been under the water for 10 minutes and they guys are freaking out.

"Ten minutes! He just broke his own record. The guy's inhuman!" Kai says shocked. 'Oh you have absolutely no idea' I think to myself. A few seconds later Zane surfaces breathing heavily as the guys cheer for him. "That was amazing!" Cole says with a grin. "We are not worthy" Jay says with a bow. "I broke the record?" Zane says excited. "You absolutely destroyed it!" Kai says matching Zanes excitement. "It wassss interesting to watch though I wasss a bit worried but you sssseem to be fine" I say not really worried.

"Okay, okay. Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking? We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better. Just think about all we've accomplished." Jay smirks. Jordan thinks back and she remember the time Cole asked if he could use her as a weight, he was polite about it and wasn't trying to sound mean so she didn't mind, even if it was one of the weirdest thing someone asked her and then proceeded to lift her and the others up like they were nothing. She also saw Jay balancing on a pole with one hand and she about had a panic attack at the thought of being that high though she does love thunderstorms as long as the power didnt go out as it would ruin her video games. Though for some reason she likes it here even more than she did back at home oh well its probably nothing.

"The question should be raised. Perhaps we have reached our full potential? " Zane says as he gets out of the water. "I mean if you did don't you think sssomething big would happen like a big flash or sssomething" Jordan says knowing what true potential forms look like. "True, I haven't noticed anything like that have you guys" Jay says as they walk back and the others shake their heads. They walk back to the bounty to try and find Wu and they start bragging and lying about what they have done making me want to cover my nonexistent ears to make it stop as it was so cringy.

3rd pov

"Well, every morning I do five hundred push-ups" Zane brags making sure Wu would hear. "Five hundred? Ha, try a thousand" Kai smirks. "Hahaha, I do a thousand and one." Jay brags even though Jordan knew he was lying out of his lego ass. Cole laughs "What is this, amateur hour? Sounds like my warm-up. Sensei, what does true potential look like if-" Cole says before see Wu putting away a katana. "Our apologies, Sensei. We've interrupted you." Zane apologizes. Wu sighs and looks down "I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. My mind has been elsewhere ever since Lloyd has gone missing. So what can I help you with?" He says looking up at the ninja curious.

"Sensei, what if we've done enough training? What if we've reached our True Potential? What if we're ready?" Cole says serious. Jordan wants to laugh out loud so badly at that they weren't even close. "Hm. You four might have reached peak physical condition, but you've yet to reach your inner potential. In each and every one of us, there are obstacles that hold us back. Only when you conquer that fear will your heart be free. Only then will you reach your True Potential. Only then will we have a fighting chance to stop the Serpentine from releasing the Great Devouer" Wu says. The ninja look at eachother then back to Wu "There's more to the Great Devourer than you've led on, isn't there, Sensei?" Zane says looking at his sensei.

Wu sighs again " I too have obstacles within my own heart. There's a story I've never told you." 'Ooh boy that's a phrase the ninja and I are gonna hear alot they better be prepared' Jordan thinks to herself. "Long ago, when I was a young boy, Garmadon and I were more than brothers. We were the best of friends." Wu says. "Wait a minute. Now, I know you two were brothers, but really? The King of Cruelty, the Doer of Destruction, the Captain of Chaos, and you two were friends?" Jay interrupts him. "Please, no interruptions. You see, he did not always have a wicked heart. One day, I lost this very katana. Knowing our father would be mad, my brother told me to go retrieve it. But I refused. He told me not to put off what can be done today and went to get it himself. When my father found him, he was very ill, for he was bitten by a legendary snake that would grow forever as long as it consumes. A great evil had found its way into my brother's heart, for the snake's venom could turn the purest of things wicked." Wu says. The ninja look at eachother again knowing the venom part then to Jordan who looks away knowing she can't heal people affected by the devouers venom. "That same snake is the one is the serpentine want to rewaken today. It is the snake that took my brother away from me." Wu says grimly.

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